The Shield Lands

Once known as the Restored Holy Realm of the Faithful of the Shield Lands, this confederation of realms stretched from the northern shores of the Nyr Div to the edges of Rift Canyon. It was largely overrun by the bandit lord Iuz in 587 CY. Iuz united the Bandit Kingdoms by force, and razed every town in his path.   Today, the Shield Lands are reduced to a few flagging settlements on the shores of the Nyr Div. The capital of Amundfort still stands, and the Principality of Redhand, which ceceded from the Shield Lands and is considered part of Iuz's empire.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Restored Holy Realm of the Faithful of the Shield Lands
Neighboring Nations

The Common Year

645 and beyond

  • 326 CY

    16 Growfest (Spring Equinox)

    Founding of the Shield Knights

    The Knights of Holy Shielding are organized by the church of Hieroneous in order to defend the multitude of small domains and their rulers in the regions north of the Nyr Dyv

    Additional timelines
  • 549 CY

    Prince Zered is Born
    Life, Birth

    Viscount Ergez of Alhaster's first son, Prince Zered, is born.

  • 553 CY

    7 Needfest

    Prince Zeech is Born
    Life, Birth

    Viscount Ergeth's second son, Prince Zeech is born in Alhaster.

  • 569 CY

    Zeech begins training with the Knights of Holy Shielding
    Life, Organisation Association

    Zeech sent to Admundfort, Shield Lands, to train with the Knights of Holy Shielding.

  • 573 CY

    Zeech takes over Alhaster's Navy
    Political event

    Zeech returns to Alhaster, assumes command of Alhaster’s naval forces.

  • 575 CY

    28 Readying

    Death of Viscount Ergez
    Life, Death

    Viscount Ergez dies. his eldest son PrinceZered becomes viscount of Alhaster. Zered has his younger brother Zeech & his naval "privateers" arrested.

  • 575 CY

    18 Coldeven

    Death of Viscount Zered
    Life, Death

    Viscount Zered dies in a hunting accident. Prince Zeech ascends in his place.

  • 576 CY

    The Red Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Red Death ravages Greyhawk. Later, it sweeps through Alhaster as well.

    Additional timelines
  • 577 CY

    6 Coldeven

    The Principality of Redhand is founded

    Zeech secedes Alhaster from the Shield Lands and negotiates his entry into the Bandit Kingdoms, founding the Principality of Redhand.

    Additional timelines
  • 577 CY

    7 Coldeven
    577 CY

    2 Planting

    Redhand Civil War

    Civil war breaks out following Zeech's cesession from the Shield Lands. The rebellion is led by the remaining Shield Knight contingent, who accuse Zeech of being a "fallen paladin."

  • 577 CY

    3 Wealsun

    Hextorianism Becomes Redhand's Official Religion
    Religious event

    Zeech has the Heironean temple, already damaged during the civil war, razed to the ground. Hextorianism is declared Redhand's state religion.

  • 578 CY

    4 Brewfest

    Zeech begins The Great Project
    Construction beginning/end

    Zeech begins building a ziggurat in his own honor on the site of the old Hieronean temple.

  • 580 CY

    3 Flocktime

    Evralanya is Killed
    Life, Death

    Zeech's lover and adviser Evralanya is found dead. An undercover contingent of Shield Knights are arrested for her kidnapping and murder.

  • 580 CY

    20 Harvester

    The Crimson Fang Founded

    Zeech's daughter, Princess Hemriss is installed as leader of the newly-formed Crimson Fang.

  • 582 CY


    The Fall of Tenh
    Military action

    The Duchy of Tenh is conquered by the Fists and the Northern Barbarian armies, led by their god-lord, Iuz.

    Additional timelines
  • 583 CY


    Fall of the Horned Society
    Military action

    Armies of Iuz conquer the Horned Society, creating a mass slaughter in the capital of Molag.

    Additional timelines
  • 583 CY


    Fall of the Shield Lands
    Military action

    The Shield Lands refuse an offer of alliance with Furyondy, and are soon overrun by Iuz’s forces. The Bandit Kingdoms fall to Iuz in the same offensive. Lord Holmer, leader of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa.

    Additional timelines
  • 583 CY


    Fall of the Bandit Kingdoms
    Military action

    The Bandit Kingdoms overrun by Iuz. Zeech allies himself and Redhand with the Empire of Iuz, saving his realm from occupation and possible destruction. He sends tribute and reports to imperial leaders in Balmund.

    Additional timelines
  • 587 CY

    The Flight of Fiends
    Military action

    Canon Hazen of the Knights of the Hart in Veluna begins a crusade against evil outsiders: the Flight of Fiends. The crusade reclaims some of the southern Shield Lands from Iuz.

    Additional timelines