Baimiàn Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Baimiàn, known most commonly as the Hundredth in the common tongue, are an organization among the Seguleh people that is dedicated to the Way of the Blood. More specifically, the Hundredth pursue the perfection of weaponcraft and mastery of battle. The Hundredth represents the most elite and skilled of all Seguleh warriors and never number more than 100 in number. While each member of the Hundredth is exceptionally deadly, those among the Tenth are among the finest martial masters in all of Oerth and beyond. It is said that Qun the First has never lost a fight and has slain dragons, archangels, and even a demon lord single-handedly.   Given their prowess, dedication, and strict code of honor, the Hundredth are considered some of the most sought after and most expensive mercenaries in the world. To have any Seguleh under contract is considered a mark of prestige, but this is especially true of the Hundredth.


Membership into the Hundredth is only gained by challenging and defeating a current member. Doing so earns one the right to proclaim their rank among the Hundredth as part of their name. For example, if Ruel Seguleh challenges Reince the Ninety-Ninth and wins, he becomes Ruel the Ninety-Ninth and Reince Seguleh may no longer claim that title. Once a rank has been gained, the Hundredth's miàn, or mask, is decorated with stylized red calligraphy to designate the rank so that all may clearly see his or her prowess.   Members of the Hundredth can refuse a duel with those they deem unworthy or unskilled, but doing so is considered dishonorable if the challenger truly is ready to fight for his or her place. Likewise, it is considered dishonorable to challenge a member of the Hundredth who has not yet fully recovered from a previous duel. The restrictions for a challenge are as follows:
  • A Seguleh who is not a member of the Hundredth can issue a challenge to any member up to the Fiftieth.
  • A member of the Hundredth can issue a challenge to any member up to the Twentieth.
  • A member who ranks from Twentieth to Eleventh can issue a challenge up to the Tenth.
  • Each member of the Tenth up to the Third can only challenge those of up to two ranks above them. For example, the Tenth can only issue a challenge to the Ninth or the Eighth.
  • Only the Second can challenge the First.
  Each challenger may challenge a specific member of the Hundredth only once, which encourages potential challengers to make sure they are ready prior to making a challenge. For this reason, young Seguleh who are aspiring to join the Hundredth will sometimes go out into the wider world to look for challenges against which to sharpen their skills.  

Notable Members

  • Qun, the First
  • Zhou, the Second
  • Mok, the Third
  • Han, the Fourth
  • Wu, the Fifth
  • Burch, the Sixth
  • Rayne, the Seventh
  • Xiao, the Eighth
  • Nyste, the Ninth
  • Sung, the Tenth
  • Raiz, the Eleventh
  • Dayn, the Twelfth
  • Ain, the Thirteenth
  • Tchrk, the Fourteenth
  • Vaio, the Fifteenth
  • Meij, the Sixteenth
  • Yhun, the Seventeenth
  • Kelt, the Eighteenth
  • Jehn, the Ninteenth
  • Grae, the Twentieth
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Baimiàn, The First Path
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities


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