Miàn Item in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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A miàn is an expressionless white mask with eye slits or holes worn by members of the Seguleh people. While typically undecorated, higher ranking members of a particular faction may sometimes include stylized calligraphy to denote which of the three Ways of the Paragon they follow in their pursuit of perfection as well as their rank among those of their brethren.   A mask that includes blue calligraphy or symbols denotes a follower of the Way of the Mind. Green calligraphy or symbols would indicate a follower of the Way of the Soul. Way of the Body practitioners may sometimes include Red calligraphy or symbols. This is especially true for members of the Hundredth, whose rank is display prominently on the forehead of the miàn.   The Seguleh are a private people who are protective of their customs. As such, the miàn is the only face a Seguleh presents to the outside world. This reflects the simplicity and anonymity inherent in their culture. The Seguleh do not seek personal glory or recognition, it is the pursuit of perfection that gives one's life meaning. In this regard, all Seguleh are as one and it is the miàn that links them together.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory


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