Celebration of Life Tradition / Ritual in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Celebration of Life

The Celebration of Life is a festival that coincides with a lunar eclipse that occurs every thirteen years. The event is based on a regional archaic elven and druidic celebration from a bygone time that celebrates rebirth. Legends say that the veil between the Feywild and our reality becomes thin on this night, specifically in the southern reaches of the Salinmoor near Overwatch. The Dreadwood elves and druids of the green faith, along with many of the superstitious residents of the Salinmoor view it as a time of primal celebration. It is a festival that encourages, peace and harmony as it welcomes the moon back from the darkness.


The Pashtugali and other participants have gathered in the region now known as Overwatch for as long as anyone can recall, since well before the modern fortress was built.


Ancient celebratory rituals are performed in ancient groves, elven strongholds in the dark forest, and amongst the Pashtugali, the so called gypsies of the Salinmoor.
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