Pashtugali Ethnicity in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Pashtugali are gypsies from the flatland between the Salinmoor Coast and the Dreadwood. Numbering in the thousands they form a trading network in the region. Largely governed by familial relationships, they collectively share a loose culture that guides conduct between the various groups. Although citizens of Keoland, they largely mangage to stay out of the affairs of the region in an effort to avoid taxes and conscription into regional military services.   Large numbers of Pashtugali gather every thirteen years on a lunar eclipse for the Celebration of Life festival held on the parade grounds outside the reconstructed fortress of Castle Overwatch. The recent events regarding the lycanthropic Pack Lord known as Varulven and the coastal massacre has left a large number of families clinging to the security that the Overwatch provides. They have formed a small caravan town outside the keep walls and have managed to become a base of economic support for the castle through trade and labor.


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