Corvo Stokes Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Corvo Stokes

Lieutenant Corvo Stokes (a.k.a. Shadowshorn)

As a founding member and high ranking lieutenant of the organization known as the Nevermores, Corvo was a knight of no small reputation. He was a peerless warrior, a leader of men, and a champion of those whose souls had been deprived of rest.   Following the destruction of the Nevermores, now a broken man whose soul had been rent in two, Corvo found himself looking for a new purpose in life. He possesed some small portion of his once famous skill, but his memories were sometimes disjointed, his body aged unnaturally beyond his prime. He now finds himself as a Red Badge of the Overwatch, with a place to call home and friends to protect.   Little by little, the life experiences that were torn from him began to return to him through his connection with the echo of all that he once was. Whether he can ever be that man again, only the gods know.   Whatever he was, and whatever he now is, Corvo's hatred of the undead has never waned. Woe to the deathless who cross him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Named after their goal of ending the suffering for those souls withheld from their final rest, the Nevermores were a militant organizatin dedicated to and renown for their tireless pursuit and destruction of the undead.   Several years ago, the Nevermores became aware of a growing threat. In a hidden crevace, deep within the mountains, a darkness was growing and gathering strength. This foul place, which the Nevermores learned was called Wormcrawl Fissue, was home to something called the Writhing Sanctum, which in turn had been built to protect an obelisk of dread power. For thousands upon thousands of years, the obelisk had served as a prison for an elder evil, the demigod Kyuss, also known as the Worm that Walks and the Lord of Maggots. Once the high priest of Orcus, Kyuss had grown in power, infecting the world with his spawn, until one day he was imprisoned by the combined heroes of many faiths. It has been prophesied that Kyuss will one day be free again to usher in the Age of Worms, a time when the undead will rise and destroy the world.   Now, rumor claimed that the obelisk was to be moved, taken to the city of Alhaster were followers of the Worm would attempt to set it free. The Nevermores could not, and would not abide such a thing. The so-called Spawn of Kyuss were the cruelest form of undead, their victims souls trapped in decaying flesh and forced to witness the atrocities of their worm-ridden husks. The Nevermores and their allies marched in force at once. Titantic clashes erupted at the Necropolis of Unaagh and the ruins of Kuluth-Mar. Skeletons and zombies were slain by the scores, whole armies of undead wiped out by the avenging forces.   With the Nevermores and their allies closing in on Alhaster, bolstered by victory after victory, the priests and followers of Kyuss became desperate. They offered their very life energy up to the Coven of Midnight in a dark bargain to strike down their enemies. If they could but release their god, what care would they have for something as meaningless as a soul?   Life was ripped from each of them, and in a twist of bitter irony, not one of the faithful was granted the blessing of undeath. The Coven used these dark energies to create a black vortex of unending hunger and set this calamity upon the Nevermores as they had agreed. The darkess tore the Nevermore's emcampment like an unstoppable shadow of night iteself, tearing the souls from each champion one by one, feasting and growing. It the vortex bore down upon Corvo, he cried out in rage and denial, clinging to his soul with every ounce of his being. It ripped slowly, a pain more exquisite and intense than anything he had ever felt before, but his desperate efforts had purchased him time.   The Nevermore's paladin and cleric allies arrived in time to strike down and dispell the abomination, but not soon enough. Corvo's soul had been shorn and badly damaged but not fully taken from him. Corvo's life experiences, his skill and arms, even many of his memories, now existed as a dark reflection of echo of what once was.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Dark blue
Salt and pepper, cut short.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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