The Coven of Midnight Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Coven of Midnight

Coven of Midnight: Two hundred years ago a powerful coven of evil cursed the Salinmoor and plagued the Dreadwood. The members of the Coven of Midnight were a cabal of evil whose goal was not a military conquest, but a conquest of fear, evil manipulation, and a general crusade to rot the area from within. Comprised of an evil hag named Gammle Heks the Child Butcher, Archduke Samhain of the Winter Court, and the twisted dark witch Baba Yaga; their otherworldly terror left a cultural scar on the region that lasts to this day....nearly two centuries later. It is rumored that the Baba Yaga has returned in the north just south of the Dreadwood. Meanwhile, Gammle Heks is currently being held as a prisoner in the dungeons of Castle Seaton after the recent events at Overwatch during the Celebration of Life.
Religious, Coven


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