Galver's Landing Settlement in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Galver's Landing

One of the largest of the low moor settlements, Galver’s Landing is named after its founder, Ezrahm Galver, and situated at the fork of the Seaton River where it splits into West and East branches. The Landing once boasted a population of more than 200 souls, but recent tragedy reduced this number to less than 50. A influx of new residents, many of them hobgoblins of the Black Okami clan, has begun to swell this headcount once more.   Notable Galver's Landing residents include:
  • Augustine de la Croix - A retired human Knight of the Three Roses, Augustine was forced out of the Order when Gregorius Pelliton came to power several years ago. He retired to Galver's Landing and now serves as Sherriff.
  • Farley Fastbuckler - A goblin barkeep and owner of the dockside bar known locally as The Dive. It is a well-known "secret" that Farley is a lieutenant in the Underfoot Underground, a not-so-secret society dedicated to fighting back against "Big Farma", which is to say the monopolization of the farming industry (and other industries) by tallfolk.
  • Gemma Toussaint - The mayor of Galver's Landing is an earth genasi woman in her late 30's with onyx black hair, grey skin marbled with white, and eyes that resemble rose quartz. She is part-owner of Gram's Respite and has two young children: Casimir and Mathilde, both half-genasi.
  • Hyacinth Redgrave - A human hedge-witch, flower-enthusiast, and local lorekeeper. Hyacinth owns an herbalist and florist shop on the south-western edge of town named Redgrave's Balms and Blossoms. She originally traveled into the area to study the rare ghost-lilly and began to document the local flora and fauna. She is now considered something of an expert in regional lore on those topics.
  • Norris Fontenot - A human male and former seasonal eeler, Norris enlisted in the Black Okami following the death of his older brother. Norris is an accomplished tracker and fisherman who takes direction well and is earnest is in efforts to prove himself.
  • Revilra Three-Arrows - A hobgoblin archer and former Wolf-Sister of the Burning Sun Legion, she now serves as deputy to Sherriff Augustine after retiring with honor from the Black Fist detachment following the death of her wolf companion in battle.
  • Zukey Knipper - A gnomish woman and shopkeeper, Zukey is the town's oldest resident. Her general store, Knippers Knickknacks, has stood since Ezrahm Galver’s time.


The population of Galver's Landing is largely human, but a recent influx of hobgoblin families has changed the cultural diversification of the town. Among the other inhabitants are included several elves, half-elves, genasi, and gnomes. At least one goblin and an ogre are also known to call Galver's Landing home.


The current mayor of Galver's Landing is Gemma Toussaint, an earth genasi woman who is also a mother of two and a part owner of Gram's Resite.   The town also has its own sheriff, Augustine de la Croix, who has held the position for the last 6 years. Revilra Three-Arrows has recently taken up the position of deputy and also serves as a scout when needed.


Sherriff Augustine and Deputy Revilra oversee a militia of volunteer townsfolk and off-duty Black Okami soldiers who man the town's four rickety watch towers: three overlooking land approaches and one by the docks.

Industry & Trade

Galver’s Landing is most known for its mussels and rare snails, which are abundant along this stretch of the Seaton river. Local eelers also take advantage of seasonal elver migrations, which further boost the economy on a cyclical basis.


Beyond the several dozen buildings on the main land mass, a few families have houseboats or shacks built directly out over the river or upon tiny islets. These “Riverfolk” have some of the more interesting personalities among the townsfolk, but in general everyone gets along well enough.

Points of interest

Notable locations in Galver's Landing include:
  • Gram's Respite - The only local inn and the only place other than The Dive where a meal might be had for visitors. Gram's Respite caters to the seasonal eeling industry as well as the occasional visiting merchant or traveler.
  • Knipper's Knickknacks - A general store selling everything from fishing gear to wedding dresses and everything in between. Zukey mostly runs the shop by herself but has recently taken on a couple helpers. Additionally "Lummox" the ogre shop-boy often wanders into town to help Zukey stock the shelves in exchange for sweets. Lummox is fiercely protective of Zukey.
  • Redgrave's Balms and Blossoms - Home and store of the local hedge witch, Hyacinth Redgrave. The store specializes in herbs, medicinals, flowers, and other exotic sundries that Hyacinth discovers in the Lower Moors.
  • Sylvie's Fresh Tart - Once the home and shop of local baker Sylvie Dumorne, this building was burned to the ground by the townsfolk after Sylvie was unmasked as the hag Nana Zubja. The wreckage of the building stands as a heaping mass of blackened stone and charred timbers, have been left untouched since the monstrous witch was defeated by the Red Badges. Superstition now surrounds the ruins of the building, and no-one seems inclined to go near it.
  • The Dive - A dockside bar owned by Farley Fastbuckler. The bar has slowly sunk over the years to the point that the bottom of the doorframe is now several feet below ground level. Farley has been forced to build an addition on each end of the long bar so that patrons can open a door at ground level and then descend into the bar proper. This gives the bar a rather odd appearance from the outside, with what looks like two doors attached to a very low roof. Despite this, the Farley does a good job of keeping out most of the moisture and if there is an occasional puddle, who's to say it's not just spilled beer?
  • The Fen & Quill - Once the home and studio of the famed nature artist known as Elmoor. The studio includes works that were available for sale or that have been commissioned by nobility in nearby Seaton. Following his death, and lacking any relatives, Mr. Elmoor's remaining artwork was sold off at a premium to help fund the rebuilding of the town.
  • The Town Office - The town office contains the sheriff's office on the ground floor behind a reception area, as well as the mayor's office on the second floor. The stairs continue up to a bell tower on the roof. The reception desk is manned by a young hobgoblin woman named Vuloa.
Alternative Name(s)
The Landing, Galverston
Owning Organization


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