Viscounty of Salinmoor Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Viscounty of Salinmoor

The Viscounty of Salinmoor, located between the southeastern Dreadwood and the Azure Coast, is one of Keoland’s most forlorn provinces. Located in southern Keoland on the banks of the Azure Sea, it is south of the Dreadwood forest, and east of the Hool Marsh Protectorate.   Salinmoor is a predominantly coastal region, with much of the province is cloaked in a near-permanent fog caused by the intermingling of warm mists from the southern marshes and the cooler sea air. Settlements here frequently see damage from storms which form over the Azure Sea and strike the southern coast of Keoland, disproportionately affecting Salinmoor rather than other regions.   Beyond those locations specifically labelled in the map above, the following features and settlements are also present:  


Rivers & Streams

  • R1: Unnamed
  • R2: Dunwater River
  • R3: Bluegill Reach
  • R4: Kingfisher River
  • R5: Janustrem River
  • R6: Eblis Run
  • R7: Seaton River
  • R8: Estern Tributary
  • R9: Unnamed
  • R10: Anglar River

Lakes & Ponds

  • L1: Lac Janustrem
  • L2: Lac DuMere
  • L3: Unnamed
  • L4: Unnamed


The House of Secunforth, which is a distant relation of the Neheli in the north, was appointed to stewardship of the province during the reign of Tavish IV, when Rholan interests in the south fell into decline. They reluctantly arrived to oversee the construction of Bale Keep, and the Secunforths have belatedly ruled these lands ever since, often displaying the deportment of prisoners in their own land. The Secunforths had been well known for their prosperous endeavours in Dorlin, but the transplanted family became infamous for interfering too late in the witchhunts of 501-502 CY, which saw many killed before the hysteria subsided.


The Salinmoor was virtually abandoned following the Siege of Westkeep, which saw the Keoish Throne lose its former southern possessions to the piratical Sea Princes in the last century. This left the Salinmoor and its nominal capital, the coastal town of Seaton, as the kingdom’s southernmost possession. However, lacking much in the way of natural resources or strategic importance to the Throne of the Lion due to its distance from Gradsul and close proximity to insurgent Monmurg, it was virtually forgotten over the years by the bureaucracy in Niole Dra, whose introversion is legendary.   Salinmoor was founded more than three centuries ago, prior to the start of the kingdom’s imperialist phase, as an adjunct possession of the Rhola of Gradsul. The land and its environs are often described as gloomy, helped in large part by the warm mists which waft off the nearby marshes south of Bale Keep and combine with the briny air of the sea to produce a persistent miasma.   The viscounty has seen more than its share of misfortune over the years, including a plague in the late 490s that wiped out nearly a quarter of the population. The frequent storms which cross the Azure Sea north of Fairwind Isle to strike the western coast of the Sheldomar Valley often seem to hit this region the hardest.

Demography and Population

The inhabitants of Salinmoor are primarily humans, with a mixture of Suel and Oeridian heritage. They are stereotyped as paranoid and highly superstitious, and while these traits are somewhat exaggerated, they accurately describe many of the inhabitants. This is largely a result of the fact that the Salinmoor has historically been a destination for those seeking to lay low and avoid the scrutiny of the noble courts in distant Niole Dra.


Despite the historic prohibition on religion in Keoland, many deities are worshiped here, where the local population has a much closer relationship with the sea than their distant monarchy in Niole Dra. As a result, temples to many deities can be found in Seaton and Saltmarsh in particular. The town of Saltmarsh, for example, has a Temple of Procan, as well as a Sea Grove of Obad-Hai.

Agriculture & Industry

The main source of income in Salinmoor is fishing, including some whaling. Salinmoor also produces some grain, cattle, and fruits in the high moors, while the poorer communities in the low moors are known mostly for freshwater shellfish, millet crops, and berries.
Founding Date
-242 CY
Geopolitical, Province
Alternative Names
Salinmoor, The Moor
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
  • platinum griffon (pp)
  • gold lion (gp)
  • electrum eagle (ep)
  • silver hawk (sp)
  • copper sparrow (cp)
Parent Organization

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