Lutrin the Otter King Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Lutrin the Otter King

The seemingly benign and friendly king of the Otterfolk (Dobhar-chú) is known only by the single moniker of Lutrin. The Otter King appears to be no more than a slightly larger version of a typical river otter save that he walks on two legs and often wears items of waterproof clothing and accoutrements.   Lutrin, at 19 years old, is considered middle-aged among the dobhar-chu, and as such is revered as both wise and worldly. He is fully aware of the preconceived notions most humanoids have about otters in general, and is more than happy to play into those sterotypes, especially when it serves his goals. The otterfolk are largely a peaceful folk and are able to avoid dangerous entanglements by seeming to be harmless, silly, and a bit dim. The truth of the dobhar-chu, and Lutrin in particular, is more complicated. Lutrin is shrewd, extremely quick, and dangerous when he needs to be, but prefers to avoid direct confrontation.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

While Lutrin is most comfortable wearing no more than a belt with pouches for his belongings, he will often attire himself in the presense of humanoid species. He owns a long shirt of delicately made chainmail that was crafted by dobhar-chu artisans for his great-grandfather Brasil and handed down over the generations. The shirt has the properties of both mithral and elven chain.   Lutrin also posesses a Spear of Fish Command +2, which was a gift to his people from the Sea Elves of the Azure Sea.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lutrin has held the title of the Otter King since the passing of his mother Nura at the ripe old age of 51. Lutrin's lodge (family) has led the dobhar-chu for four generations, beginning with his great-grandfather Brasil, who was a legendary adventurer and hero of the otterfolk. After his passing, Lutrin's grandmother Elidae, the eldest of Brasil's litter, assumed the responsibility. Elidae's second pup was Nura, Lutrin's mother, who became the heir when her older brother was slain by lacedons.   Lutrin himself has two pups, Lontra and Canade, both growing into fine representatives of their lodge.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Lutrin is honorable, friendly, and hides his cunning extremely well. He always acts in the best interests of his people and is happy to seem like a fool to outsiders if it works to his people's benefit.

Vices & Personality flaws

A bit of a prankster, Lutrin's desire to for a laugh and to see others look foolish can sometimes lead to trouble. Luckily, blame most often falls on other parties; after all, who would suspect the innocent otterfolk of such cleverness?

Personality Quirks

Lutrin has a habit of tilting his head, blinking rapidly, and clapping while talking. These are part of the nonverbal social cues the otterfolk incorporate into their conversations, but it does not translate well to outsiders. Instead, it tends to further the notion of the otterfolk as empty headed and easily distracted.
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
The Kingfisher River
Brown, with no visible sclera
Sleek grey fur
120 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Do you have any fish?"
Known Languages
Common, Aquan


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