Nana Zubja Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Nana Zubja

(a.k.a. Zubjakosta, Baba Zubja, Daughter of Midnight, Nana)

Nana Zabja is the unholy offspring of an elf and an unnamed Oni that was later reborn through a dark Covenant to the hag Baba Yaga, witch of the Coven of Midnight. Owing to her mixed heritage, "Nana" is much taller and stronger than most hags, standing nearly 9' tall in her true form. Her blue skin and long black claws are similarly reminiscent of her Oni father.   While Nana has a particular fondness for the sweet, tender flesh of young children, she is smart enough not to dwell too long in one place lest her predatory "grazing" attract too much attention. Her preference is to prey upon communities on the fringes of marshes, swamps, and antediluvian forests where she and her creeping hut can more easily slip away into the dark places where men fear to follow.   Nana Zubja's age is unknown but like her horrifying crone of a "mother", urban legends and myths about her have been passed down from generation to generation. These stories can be found predominantly throughout the Salinmoor, Dreadwood and Hool Marsh Protectorate in Keoland. Variations of these same legands stretch as far west as the Yeomanry League and south into the Hold of the Sea Princes, particularly along the extended basin of the Hool Marshes.   The most prominent story about Nana Zubja to have been passed down through the years is actually a nursery rhyme. While most adults would scoff at the notion that Nana Zubja is real, the nursery rhyme has nonetheless become a means of frightening children into obeying their parents.

Children's Nursery Rhyme:

Lock the door, blow out the light;
Nana Zubja walks the night.   Hide and tremble, little one;
Nana wants to have some fun.   Through the house does Nana creep,
Nana's put them all to sleep.   Lock the door, blow out the light;
Nana Zubja walks the night.   Hear her scratching at the door;
See her shadow cross the floor.   Claws of black and skin of blue,
It's too late when she finds you.   Lock the door, blow out the light;
Nana Zubja walks the night.   Try to run and hide 'til day,
Nana finds you anyway.   Cry for help but noone hears,
Silent screams on stone-deaf ears.
  Lock the door, blow out the light;
Nana Zubja walks the night.   Tasting dread and eating fears,
Strangling your useless tears.   So heed your da and mind your mum,
Else Nana for your soul will come.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

“In the beginning, there were three of us who began this war together. We were the Green Knights of the Dreadwood, aligned in purpose and driven to cast out our foreign oppressors. We were young and desperate back then, full of intensity and zeal, willing to do anything to destroy those we hated. And so, we made a Covenant with dark and ancient powers. Folklore and myths of this region are rife with tales of their power; I’m sure you yourselves have heard the tales of the Midnight Coven. I can assure you; the stories do not do them justice.   The Coven wished for us to create chaos and suffering; they feed on it you see. Granting us power was a means to do this, but they could not allow their shiny toys to destroy each other when things inevitably changed, as they must and always do. And so they bound each of us to each other in an irrevocable way that prevents us from acting directly against each other.   So, we each chose for ourselves a path to power and the witches weaved their fey magic. Zubjakosta the half-breed, was a bitter creature from the very beginning. Half-elf, half-oni, she was always doomed to persecution by the elven aristocracy. She wished only for power for its own sake, and as time wore on she cared less and less for the war, and more for her own selfish goals. She chose the Path of the Crone, and on the night she was reborn, she devoured the heart of the only elven woman to ever shown her kindness and love; her nana. As far as I know she left the Dreadwood years ago to breed her own dark children and sow her own legends of fear. You may have even heard the nursery rhyme of “Nana Zubja”. - Pack Lord Valrulven of the Dreadwood Winter Court

Accomplishments & Achievements

Most recently, Nana was able to negotiate her way to freedom with the very group of adventurers who were responsible for first imprisoning her only months earlier. Nana confided that her designs do not lie with the Salinmoor, which was only a means to gather power. Her real goal is to take her rightful place in the Coven of Midnight, beside her "mother" Baba Yaga. To do this, she intends to hunt down and kill Gammle Heks, and then fill the vacancy her death would create.
Indeterminate, believed to be more than 200 years old.
Female (Hag)
Glowing orange-yellow orbs.
Bone white, thin and wispy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue, wrinkled, and leathery.
8' 11"
359 lbs


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