Outpost Grimmwood Settlement in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Outpost Grimmwood

Located at the highest point of the Dreadwood Road as it traverses the Dreadwood Hills, Outpost Grimmwood sits in an open glade at an elevation of 3,100ft. It serves as a critical, defensible waypoint in an otherwise extremely dangerous area rife with conflicting tribes, monstrosities, and wandering undead. The Haunting Depths of the Shadowfell Rifts can be seen stretching far into the east and west from here, with the Outpost providing the only safe, traversable gap between the two. As a result of its strategic position, the Outpost also serves as a waypoint and trading post for traveling merchants who are journeying north from Salinmoor or south from Baronies of Greyhill and Raya.   Typically the Outpost is manned entirely by the elves and other representatives of the so-called Summer Court who call the Dreadwood home. In times of strife, however, when activity from the Rifts begins to grow beyond the ability of the locals to contain it, the Summer Court has been known to begrudgingly reach out of the King of Keoland for assistance.


The outpost is currently manned by the Keoland military's 3rd Heavy Infantry Battalion, also know as "March 'til Dawn". The 3rd's guidon is a horse head and a mug of ale. Personnel includes the following:
  • Commanding Officer: Full Marshall Jeburgh Oss, Human
  • Executive Officer: Half Marshal Eridani, Half-Elf
  • Alpha Company: Led by Captain Gaston, with 60 infantry and support personnel. Deployed on the North Dreadwood Road.
  • Bravo Company: Led by Captain Villyet, with 50 troops including combat engineers.
  • Charlie Company: Led by Captain Kall, with 20 archers and scouts. Deployed on the North Dreadwood Road.
  • Delta Company: Led by Captain Richtofen, with 60 infantry and support personnel. This includes the 2nd Platoon, 3rd Squad known as "Ghost Squad", which presently mans the southern border bridge posting. Ghost Squad includes Sargeant Kurnik, Corporal Ukha, "Potato" (Wood Elf), Antsy, Dutch, Fidler, Finn, Gamble, Hedge, and Nope.
  • Echo Company: Led by Captain Tals, with 30 troops serving as a support company.
  • Transports: The 3rd has 20 covered transport wagons and 40 draft horses presently stationed at the Outpost.
Alternative Name(s)
OP Grimm
Outpost / Base
Location under
Owning Organization


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