Peatfallow Settlement in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The settlement of Peatfallow is little more than handful of peat farmers and their families. The locals harvest both sapric and fibrous moss for various industrial and medicinal uses. It is a thankless, difficult life with little reward and tends to attract only the most cantankerous of folk. Peatfallow has a communal village center, but the farmers tend to spread out rather than impinge on each other’s territories.   Despite being closer to Seaton and Saltmarsh than Lac DuMere, no one from either city has ever visited Peatfallow. While families largely fend for themselves, they will come together in mutual defense against any outsiders, be they of the monstrous or "civilized" variety. A hard life has taught the folk of Peatfallow the value of solid walls so each farmstead has been built to keep out the darker creatures that prowl the Salinmoor.


The recent outbreak of lycanthropy, along with the disappearance of one of the farmers and his daughter, has led to even more paranoia and separatism than is typical for the small hamlet. The recent plea to the Moor King for help was a rare departure, and the families were deeply divided over the decision.
Alternative Name(s)
The Fallow
Owning Organization


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