Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood

Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood (a.k.a. Noble of House Silvermoon)

Wolf-Deitrich grew up in the woodland Barony of Axewood. Nephew to the Baron, he was schooled as a noble and was expected to one day hold a position in government in Niole Dra. Being a half-elf, son to two half-elven parents, he had a bent for the more chaotic Fey side of the family. He quickly figured out that life in the court was not for him. Skilled in the saddle, he was offered a chance to join a cavalry company, the 3rd Keoland Heavy Lancers, as a young Captain stationed in the northern frontier of Keoland. After serving multiple tours in the north skirmishing against various Orc tribes his talents were spotted by a member of the Malgari Knights and he was recruited into their ranks.   His indoctrination ceremony into knighthood started him down the path of the Paladin. Not an overtly faith filled person, his role as a knight publicly overshadows his religious beliefs, his faith however manifests through his decision making and adherence to his Oath of Devotion. Having lived for nearly six decades, he has experienced a great deal before being assigned to his mission to the Salinmoor.   It was during his time in the Salinmoor, when he began to prove himself worthy as a Paladin and finally took his Oath of Devotion, that his guiding patron saint began to aid him in his journey......

Noble, honorable, and on a mission from god. A knight and mortal lieutenant to Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer/Archangel of Correlon. Commander of the Order of the Seraphim Sword; a bannered order of elven and half elven knights hunting supernatural threats.

Current Location
Kingdom of Keoland, Salinmoor Region, Saltmarsh Coast, Fortress Overwatch
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