Basilica of Thrasymicus Building / Landmark in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Basilica of Thrasymicus

This sacred temple, dedicated the archangel Thrasymicus, can be found in the Castle Overwatch under the stewardship of Sir Wolf-Deitrich von Axewood.

Purpose / Function

The basilica serves as the headquarters for the Knights of the Seraphim Sword, for whom Thrasymicus the Dawnbringer is the patron saint.


The cathedral on the upper level is open to the public and provides a place for both non-specifc diefic worship and peaceful contemplation. In the back of the cathedral beyond this public area can be found a planning and map room. This space has been reserved for use by the leadership of the Knights of the Seraphim Sword and the Shield.   The lower levels of the basilica are filled contain various supply rooms, an armory, a private ceremony room for members of the Sword, and the Tomb of the Order of the Dragon Phalanx.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location


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