The Culling Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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The Culling

Little is known about the shadowy organization known as The Culling save that they are extremely dangerous and vicious in their pursuit of power. Reports from first-hand survivors such as Jhoren al'Hadad are extremely rare, but based on information that has been pieced together, some facts can be surmised.   The symbol of The Culling is a wooden emblem shaped as a small sickle inside a circular frame.


This dark cabal is believed to be primarily made up primarily of former (disavowed) Sea Mages and expelled Silent Tower wizards whose thirst for rare and unique sources of power supersede all bounds of morality and law. Noone knows how many "Cullmasters" make up this cabal's inner circle, but it is clear that they do not all share the same agenda. There appear to be internal power structures at play that viciously discourage cooperation. On more than one occasion, conflicting groups of "Harvesters" or "Reapers", each representing different Cullmasters, have murdered each other over claims upon the same victim. Jhoren himself survived two such occassions because of these skirmishes.

Public Agenda

The Culling have many targets beyond those known as the Stormborn and their motives are unclear but they are all too willing to harvest anyone who they can use for their own sinister ends.


The Culling has demonstrated access to varied and extensive assets across the breadth of Keoland and their exact reach is unknown. It is evident that this dark cabal is well funded and has enough political influence to disuade royal investigations into their activities. Their forces include many powerful spellcasters, well-trained soldiers, and some of the deadliest assassins in the world. Once thought to be primarily human, the organization has recently revealed that it also has ties to the Underdark and its most dangerous denizens.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Black Cabal
Harvesters, Reapers


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