Jhoren al'Hadad Character in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Jhoren al'Hadad

Jhoren al'Hadad (a.k.a. Stormborn, Skybreaker, Herald of the Tempest)


Samara and the Skybreaker

Jhoren's mother Samara was the beautiful daughter of a Baklunish fishmonger in the large shipping port of Gradsul. The fishmonger's gambling debts led to deals with unsavory elements of the city and ultimately led to his imprisonment. The now desperately poor young Samara was forced to turn to prostitution in order to survive. Though her beauty allowed Samara to limit herself to a better class of patrons, it was wretched day-to-day existence for several years.   One fateful evening, during one of the worst storms in the recorded history of Gradsul, when no man or beast should be out in the elements, Samara was visited by a man who was kind and gentle but did not speak. This man left her with a note and a large pouch of perfect sapphires in lieu of payment before he disappeared back into the ferocious storm outside. The note addressed Samara by name and instructed her to never again sell herself. Overwhelmed by the fortune and the emotion of the moment, Samara swore a silent binding oath that she would do as the stranger asked. He was never seen again after that night.   It was only weeks later, as the city and harbor slowly began to recover from the widespread devastation, that Samara learned the provenance of the powerful storm. A godlike creature whispered of only in the oldest sailors' myths had passed over Gradsul. This antediluvian entity, known as an Elder Tempest, was a cataclysmic force of raw nature and primordial might. Samara was reminded of the kind sailor for reasons she did not understand but soon dismissed her vague fancies.   Another month passed and Samara realized that she was with child. With her personal funds nearly depleted, Samara tried to exchange one of the sapphires for gold or food. She was severely beaten and robbed of the gem by cohorts of the man she traded with, nearly losing her unborn child in the process. As she slowly recovered, Samara realized that the kingly sum of sapphires was useless to her because she had no safe way to turn the wealth into food and funds for living.   Nine months to the day of that cataclysmic tempest, Samara gave birth to a boy who bore a perfect sapphire embedded in his tiny chest. Samara was suddenly sure that her boy was the son of the stranger, who in turn was tied to the ancient Elder Tempest in some way she knew she might never understand. She resolved to keep the sapphire and the boy's father secret but nonetheless named the boy Jhoren, which means "Skybreaker" in the old Baklunish tongue.

Gradsul and the Sea

Now caring for a child, with no money or prospects, she took in with a sailor named Dennett who had always fancied her. Over the next 10 years she had a daughter and son by Dennett. The family was extremely poor and Dennett was at sea for long stretches. Jhoren learned to survive on the streets at a very young age.   When he was old enough, Jhoren joined his step-father aboard the Azure Rampant and soon earned a reputation as a good luck charm. The Azure Rampant repeatedly and inexplicably endured savage storms that should have capsized or at least damaged the vessel many times over, but always came through unscathed. During one such storm several years into Jhoren's escapades at sea, a group of sahuagin swarmed the ship only to be driven off by an explosion of lightning and thunder as the young man's latent powers manifested for the first time.   Word traveled fast and soon the entire dockside of Gradsul was swarming with hearsay about the Azure Rampant's talisman. Some of the more astute rumormongers made a connection between the timing of his supposed conception and the passing of the Elder Tempest. Everyone liked the young man, but sailors being the superstitious lot that are, the gossip inevitably took on its own life and Jhoren left the ship shortly thereafter to avoid the scrutiny. On the very first voyage without him, Jhoren's step-father was lost in a storm when a freak accident knocked him unconscious and swept him overboard. Captain Kinley of the Azure Rampant, perhaps feeling guilty about allowing the rumors to spread and thus causing the loss of their good-luck charm, provided a weregild to Jhoren's mother.   Jhoren soon began to be visited, in increasing frequency, by religious extremists who had convinced themselves that he was some sort of "Herald". At first it was simply sailors, longshoremen, and stevedores who came to recruit him, but it soon became evident that there was a very real and growing power behind the cult. A group of radical tempest clergy along with a fanatical sect within the Sea Mages of Gradsul had merged to form the masthead of this movement. What exactly they wanted Jhoren for was never made clear to him, but phrases like "the Return", "Herald", and "Everstorm" were whispered among the cultists. Samara had seen religious extremism before and her own parents had fled such oppression in the Bright Lands. She counseled Jhoren against trusting anyone of such fervent beliefs, regardless of whether their intentions were good or ill.   Around this same, Jhoren became aware of another group with far darker and more sinister intentions and was forced to go into hiding in the Northtown Docks district. Jhoren's survival instincts kept him one step ahead of a shadowy cabal that had begun hunting him. One dark evening, two separate groups of these hunters both tracked Jhoren to his hiding place in a remote warehouse on the docks. Both groups claimed the primacy of their masters within "The Culling" and the right to "harvest" Jhoren for his power. It seemed that whoever and whatever "The Culling" was, there were internal power structures at play that viciously discouraged cooperation. A heated exchange quickly escalated to bloodshed and in the chaos Jhoren was able to slip away. It was the only reason Jhoren lived that night.   Jhoren fled directly to his family's small abode to ensure the safety of his mother and siblings. He and Samara immediately packed up the younger children along with what few belongings they had and fled into the night where no one would think to look for a sailor: inland. They purchased covert passage overland to Niole Dra using the weregild and Jhoren's meager savings, thus closing the Gradsul chapter of his life.

Niole Dra and The Silent Tower

They arrived at the capital destitute and shortly thereafter Jhoren was caught trying to steal food for his family. Fate found him at the mercy of a fair man named Captain Spile, who judged the spirit of the boy's intent rather than hold to the letter of the law. The Captain helped secretly settle Samara and two youngest children under new names. When Samara revealed that she'd been hiding a king's ransom in sapphires for many long years, Captain Spile put her in contact with trustworthy people who could exchange the sapphires for gold and silver for a minor cut. Jhoren, who'd grown up never quite trusting the law, found that he could trust the Captain, and developed great respect for him. The Captain is one of the very few who know where his family now lives, thankfully in relative comfort for the first time in their lives.   Jhoren eventually left the capital and took to the wilds and smaller towns of Keoland to avoid attracting the attention of those who were hunting him. When circumstances permitted, he corresponded with both his family and Captain Spile, who was keeping an eye on them, though Jhoren never stayed in one place for long.   Word of the young man's raw talent and mysterious origins eventually made their way to a powerful archmage of the Silent Tower named Nicola Tesla.The archmage bent his considerable will toward finding Jhoren, whose power the archmage felt would be dangerous if left untutored and uncontrolled. Jhoren might have distrusted such an offer of training, but Tesla's rather impressive entrance into Jhoren's life was enough to change his mind. In a crackling flash of arcane energy, Archmage Tesla stepped through a fiery portal and brought forth a maelstrom of power against the Harvesters of The Culling who had finally managed to track down Jhoren. He swept away the deadly hunters with fire and lightning and erupting earth. Jhoren, who was awed by the display, vowed to become strong enough to defend himself and those he care for. He joined Tesla in the Silent Tower for his first ill-fated lessons as a traditional wizard. Tesla soon realized that while the young man did not lack for effort and eagerness, his facility for traditional magics was extremely limited. Tesla knew the young man was a true wild talent and his powers would need to grow with world experience tempered by guidance and advise. The strongest steel is forged in the hottest flame, and the safety of the Silent Tower was much too tame an environment for Jhoren's latent powers to continue to manifest. When an opportunity presented itself to send Jhoren to Saltmarsh, Tesla arranged through political channels and shadowy favors to surround him with protection. Being the archmage he was, Tesla of course had other motivations for sending young Jhoren on this particular mission, but whatever those reasons are they are known only to Tesla.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Jhoren is dyslexic and moderately claustrophobic. Master Tesla's library has a permanent Comprehend Languages cast on the room for convenience. This was a godsend for Jhoren at the time of his tutelage because he was able to read without difficulty for the first time. He used the opportunity to devour books on many topics, especially arcana, history, and nature.

Morality & Philosophy

Jhoren is basically a good person but hasn't had much of a moral compass all his life. Some part of him would like to learn how to be a "normal" member of a community, with all the social obligations that entails, but his life has never allowed it and probably never will.   He sometimes acts in his own self interest without considering the greater needs. This is more out of habit than actual selfishness. He's still learning what it means to be part of a larger group and not rely exclusively on himself all the time. This seeming lack of empathy is more a learned trait than an innate behavior but his time with the companions of Overwatch has begun to have an impact on him. In addition, having grown up in abject poverty, he is still a bit biased against nobility.


Religious Views

Jhoren is generally anti-religion, having had bad experiences with the Cult of the Tempest and their belief that he is a "Herald". He does not begrudge others their beliefs but believes people should make their own fates rather than adhering to some external entities perceived "plan".


Jhoren is a bit of a tea aficionado. Growing up poor, his family had to boil water before drinking it so adding different herbs was one way to make it flavorful. To this day he looks for unique teas, tinctures, and herbs in every place he visits. Jhoren is also very loyal to the few people in his life that he trusts; his family, Pinna the hedge wizardress, and his companions of the Overwatch.

Hobbies & Pets

Jhoren is a master herbalist, maintains his own beastiary, and also dabbles in magic item creation.
Divine Classification
Elemental Aasimar
Circumstances of Birth
Prophesied; conceived during the Tempest of the Century
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
164 lbs.
Known Languages
Baklunish, Celestial, Common, and Primordial
Ruled Locations


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