Dramidj Ocean Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Dramidj Ocean

The Dramidj Ocean is a body of water which is actually a vast circumpolar sea surrounding the arctic continent of Oerth, called either Hyboria or Telchuria in old accounts. The portion west of the Flanaess (the only part known well) is strangely warm, and its currents sweep past Zeif and Ekbir en route northward. Ships and sailors here are nearly all Baklunish, as their empire colonized many Dramidj isles and coasts. Mariners have encountered deadly marine puddings that cling to the hulls of ships, slowing and rotting them away from underneath. Dragons and rocs often fly from island to island. This ocean is sometimes cloaked in fog, and huge islands of ice drift about, likely from the arctic continent’s rim. The Icy Sea may be a part of this ocean.


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