Horned Society Organization in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Horned Society

The Horned Society is a secret society of Oerth devoted to evil.  


Most scholars believe the Hierarchs of the Horned Society were opportunistic bandits who took over Molag and its surrounding territories after the imprisonment of Iuz in 505 CY. Others, more ominously, speculate that the Horned Society is actually descended from a group that predates the Great Migrations. Certain old druids speak of the "Horned Ones," cultists who stalked the night and preyed upon the ancient Flan. It is possible that the modern Horned Society is a descendant of these ancient Horned Ones, though it is also possible they are simply exploiting old legends to make themselves seem even more frightening than their deeds alone would merit.   The Horned Society in its modern form first came to prominence in 513 CY, a few years after the disappearance of Iuz. They seized the city of Molag, which had once been Iuz's summer capital, and consolidated the territories around them. Hobgoblins, orcs, and other evil humanoids flocked to their banner. The Horned Society dedicated itself to the worship of dark beings from the Lower Planes, paying particular veneration to Nerull, Anthraxus the Decayed, and the Lords of the Nine.   The Horned Society is made up of thirteen leaders known as the Hierarchs (also known as the Dread and Awful Presences). The philosophy that bound them together was rulership through fear and might, with overtones of human supremacy and the subjugation of "lesser races" to achieve their goals. The Hierarchs rule in veiled seclusion, hiding their identities from their followers. Rumours had it they are fiends in human form.   The Horned Society quickly came into conflict with the Shield Lands. The Hierarchs swore upon the ashen altars of Molag's Hall of Dread that they would march into Admundford and line its walls with the intestines of that nation's earl. The period between 550 and 570 saw heavy skirmishing on the banks of the Ritensa River. Great forts such as Torkeep were erected, but these ultimately proved inadequate.
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