March of Woodverge
Located in the bountiful heartland between the Nutherwood and Gamboge forests, the area that is now known as Woodverge has always had a reputation for rustic beauty and simple living. Within the last several decades, however, the region’s proximity to the Theocracy of the Pale has caused much heartache for Rel Mord. Now it is arguably Nyrond’s most troublesome province. These are terribly troubled lands, with bandits, goblinoids, and zealots, close to riot and open rebellion. Its current ruler, Lord Weynoud Aspranth, came to rule the town at Archbold III's behest, replacing a weak ruler who had allowed local Pholtans too much power. So far his success at this and other problems has been limited. With the Theocracy of the Pale on its to the North, worship of Pholtus has always been strong, and the more militant forms have prospered. The Valorous League of Blindness is the most militant and legalistic part of the Pholtus worship. They are ascetic and highly intolerant. Some wear blinders or put out an eye as a sign of their intent to only follow official doctrine. The League is very popular in Woodverge and has followers in all classes and areas. It appeals more to the lower and uprooted, but includes some of the minor nobility, some of whom convert only when they fear their peasants will run them out of town unless they do. The influence of the Valorous League is strong enough that in many ways it, and not Aspranth, rules the province. Besides vigorous efforts to recruit more members, League members are strongly into law enforcement. However, the law that is enforced is that of Pholtus, and the most rigid and intolerant version of that rigid and intolerant creed, rather than the laws of Nyrond. The most obvious evidence of that is the vigorous witch and demon hunts, led by the Knights Valorous, the elite of the Valorous League.
Geopolitical, County / March
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Parent Organization