Oerik Geographic Location in Greyhawk | World Anvil
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Oerik is the largest continent on the world of Oerth. Oerik is named after the Oeridians, a human people who settled much of the continent. The best-known part of Oerik is the eastern portion, known as the Flanaess, named after the first human settlers to that region, the Flan.   Western Oerik is the portion of the continent of Oerik on the world of Oerth west of the Flanaess. It is considered, by most scholars, to be a distinct subcontinent separated from the rest of Oerik by the most massive range of mountains on Oerth. It is bordered to the east by the Celestial Sea, the Gulf of Ra, and the Ocean of Storms, to the south by the Sea of Thunder, to the west by the Gulf of Ishtar, the Oceanum Titanicum, and the Mare Mysticum, and to the north by the Jothumheim Sea.  


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