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Sages' Guildhall

This unpretentious two-story guildhall is maintained diligently, outside and in, by a staff of a dozen servants and groundskeepers. It is furnished within like a combination between a library and a gentleman’s club. Despite the progressive attitudes of the Free City, the Sages’ Guild remains an all-male preserve. This fact has not escaped the notice of some of the city’s more prominent, and disapproving, matrons. The union comprises most of the male tutors of Grey College. The union has no monopoly on teaching, and teachers at the University of the Flanaess and the School of Clerkship do not belong to it (and generally despise it). As unions go, this one is very loose in structure, with a new union leader elected every two years   The union has an inflated opinion of its worth, though it is acknowledged to be a superb source of information on everything from ancient history to foreign languages, from astrology to monstrous zoology – if one can put up with the egotistical and snobbish attitudes of the sages. The library here is messy and eclectic but useful.   The hall maintains several small apartments for bachelor members and their valets. In addition, small, well-illuminated studies are available for the use of all members. An unofficial narrative history of Greyhawk is maintained here, based as much on the gossip learned by the hall servants (sages are notoriously nosy about such stuff) as on the more traditional historical events. Needless to say this is a delightful read, though it would be the subject of many slander charges should its existence become public knowledge.
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