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Turin's Servant Agency

This service agency, located as it is just within the Old City at the Black Gate, is popular with many of the wealthier citizens of the better quarters. Turin’s offers butlers, maids, cooks, laborers, gardeners, valets, and most other sorts of servants for hire, on a temporary or permanent basis. The service is profitable, and almost legitimate. The agency is careful to screen prospective servants to get only the best of them, those who are reasonably trustworthy and polite.   The business is efficiently run by a 26-year-old woman who previously worked as a waitress and minor actress, Xerien Albhart. She enjoys her work, as it allows her to maintain contact with the city’s upper crust and patrons of the arts. Xerien was not a very good actress, as most people in the city know. She says little about her past, though she says her father is someone “important,” but never identifies who he is.
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