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Whitehorse Inn

This grand old inn is most commonly visited by travelers worn from the long march up the River Road. The inn’s large stable and corral are ideal for small caravans. and the rooms for rent are clean and cheap. This three-story, landmark building is one of the oldest in the Old City, having retained its name and mission for several centuries. A stable adjacent to the inn makes it perfect for travelers, and the food, service, ale, and bedding are at least adequate. The food is plain, but nourishing and served in ample proportions. A traveler can eat and drink his fill, as well as enjoy a small, semiprivate room, for a few coins. The inn’s staff knows much of the history of Greyhawk, at least as it affected the inn. The inn has seen some kitchen fires recently and had to close several times for repairs, and the large wooden carving of a white horse has been stolen several times in the last few decades, but business is still good. The innkeeper is Erthin Mansharn, the half-brother of Director Cariel Mansharn of the Merchants’ and Traders’ Union. The two get along well, and Cariel is often a guest here.   A building adjacent to the Whitehorse Inn on the north side is being rented from the innkeeper by the congregation of Mayaheine in Greyhawk. The building, only a single story, was a storehouse until the local priestwss of Mayaheine approached Erthin Mansharn about using it as a small chapel until the group could afford to build its own temple. Erthin reluctantly agreed, and the group has caused no trouble. The priestess of Mayaheine is Veni Jarrison. She fought in Furyondy against the hordes of Iuz and the Horned Society, returning to Greyhawk after each fight to work for her congregation. Mayaheine’s following is closely tied to Pelor's, and the two congregations often have joint services in the Garden Quarter.
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