Assembly of Free and Independant Kings

A governing body consisting of the reigning monarchs of all 100 chartered mountain strongholds within Scoria. It is largely democratic, but is heavily influenced by various special interests. Its primary focuses are on trade policies and the defense of Scoria, in particular against the neighboring Empyrean Empire. All of its members are Dwarves, although the AFaIK charter does not directly enforce such a requirement on its members.



  • Throwing axes are provided to military outposts at key entry points of Scoria. Due to the historical emphasis on defense, and an "as many as you can throw" policy on armament, would-be trespassers are routinely buried by a rain of thrown axes.
  • An array of active volcanos is maintained at Mount Fumarole, which can spew magical ash into the atomosphere. This is a countermeasure against Empyrean Empire aggression.
  • Any portal discovered within a charted kingdom, is the de facto property of its monarch.
AI Stub AFaIK Assembly by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
AI Stub AFaIK President with Ceremonial Pick of Office by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Alliance, Cultural
Alternative Names
Abbreviated AFaIK
Related Species


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