Empyrean Empire

Controlled Land

  The Empyrean Empire is centered in Euphoria, and claims all lands up to the borders of Lotria. The Empyrean Empire stands as a beacon of charm, magic, and might in the realm of Falderal. The heart of the empire lies in the powerful region of Euphoria.  


The emperor is determined through heredity, with challenges based on feats of Charisma, usually enhanced through Light Magic effects. The monarch is enthroned at Castle Candor. The current monarch is King Charming VII.   An intricate system known as Charmocracy dictates the societal structure of Lotria. In this system, charm and charisma, often enhanced with Light Magic, determine one's position in society. Nobles and gentry form cliques based on charm, and although High Elves often hold an advantage due to their innate magical prowess, individuals from other races can also ascend based on their charisma.   Nobles and gentry form a complex caste system of cliques, based on who is most charming. High Elves tend to have an unfair magical advantage, but charming members of other species are also accepted on principle.   The Empyrean Empire's past is enshrouded in mystique. Historians, under various influences, have crafted records that can sometimes appear dubious or even humorously exaggerated, especially when detailing High Elf deeds.   The seemingly benevolent rule of the "good guys" (with the High Elves at the forefront) exists. However, beneath this shining exterior, there's an evident suppression of the supposedly "evil" races, a reflection of the Empire's fascistic policies.   Among the royalty, nobles, and gentry, the phrase "In All Candor" is frequently used, often without the intended irony.   The High Knights of the Empyrean Empire ride Zebracorn, a magnificent hybrid of the zebra and unicorn, symbolizing the might and magic that Euphoria holds.  


The Empyrean Empire tightly controls travel into and across its controlled lands. The Empyrean Empire classifies portals as contraband, due to their potential intelligence and military applications. The Empyrean Empire employs checkpoints and dragnets to confiscate portals and other contraband, and identify dissidents.  

Political Landscape

At the heart of Lotria lies Euphoria, the political and geographical center of the Empyrean Empire. The Charmocratic structure of governance, with its elaborate caste system, revolves around charisma and charm, where the High Elves hold the upper hand.  

Historical Narratives

Historians of Lotria are often targetted by magical enchantments, leading them to pen records that stray dramatically from factual events. There is a conspicuous absence of records concerning the treatment of less agreeable and less attractive beings and races, leaving a shadow on Lotria's historical authenticity.  


Tarifs on the trade of Anaphoria's cash crops, especially chuckaboo honey and glurge, has made the Empyrean Empire extraordinarily wealthy. Nowhere is this wealth more apparent than in Candor, with Castle Candor a shining symbol of that wealth.
empyrean noun 1 a: the highest heaven or heavenly sphere in ancient and medieval cosmology usually consisting of fire or light 1 b: the true and ultimate heavenly paradise 2: FIRMAMENT, HEAVENS 3: an ideal place or state
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state


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