Brobdingnag Prix

A giant-racing exhibition and competition of truly titanic proportions, hosted by Bertram Brobdingnag yearly at the Brobdingnag Construct Reserve. It features a figure-8 race track, where professional giant racers pilot giant humanoid constructs through a wide array of traps, puzzles and obstacles. Player competes in the Brobdingrag Prix in Have Hat Will Travel.

Giant Entertainment

The Prix is a major betting event and tourist attraction for Gardyloo, which has an excellent view of the racetrack from the clouds above. A major drive for tourism.

Giant Problems

The Prix is dreaded by denizens of Yarborough and especially Gazunder, who bear the brunt of this sport. Frequent tremors, and wall repair from wayward giants, have caused some rare (but gruesome) incidents, and have had a crippling economic cost. In response to public outcry, the Yarborough constructed a masive retaining wall along its border with the reserve, which offsets the risk of accidental crushing. This effort was funded through a series of high-interest loans, funded through the bank of Gardyloo, which have placed the Yarborough deep into debt. There are still intense tremors, startling crashes, and giants inexplicably peering over the wall at the town below - and the crippling burden of wall repair.


Once per calendar year, arly, for one full month.
Brobdingnag is a fictional land, which is occupied by giants, in Jonathan Swift's 1726 satirical novel Gulliver's Travels. The story's main character, Lemuel Gulliver, visits the land after the ship on which he is travelling is blown off course. As a result, he becomes separated from a party exploring the unknown land. In the second preface to the book, in 1727, Gulliver laments that the publisher misspelled the land's name, which Gulliver asserts is actually called Brobdingrag. The adjective "Brobdingnagian" has come to describe anything of colossal size.
  • From Wikipedia: Brobdingnag
  • Also a play on "Grand Prix"
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