
The Yarborough is a an improvished, void-afflicted region in Dysphoria. Its capitol city is Gazunder.  


As with all land in Dysphoria, the Yarborough is positioned beneath Euphoria, which blocks celestial radiance from reaching it. The soil lacks high levels of fairy essence, severely limiting food production in Yarborough.


Giant Racing Impacts

Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Wall.

Yarborough directly borders the Brobdingnag Construct Reserve, which hosts the yearly Brobdingnag Prix. Intense tremors and crashes have caused significant disruption and damage to Yarborough's, and especially Gazunder's infrastructure. In response to public outcry, the Yarborough constructed a masive retaining wall along the racetrack, to mitigate the risk of crashes.

yar·bor·ough /ˈyärb(ə)rə/ noun (in bridge or whist) a hand with no card above a nine.
What is a Yarborough hand in bridge? A yarborough is a hand in which no card is higher than a nine. Some players try to invoke the “rule” that if they receive a yarborough, they can throw in the hand and declare a misdeal. There is no such rule.
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