
Gardyloo is a castle settlement on the edge of Euphoria. It overlooks Anaphoria, and floats above Dysphoria.


Gardyloo is suspended through a system of weight-bearing clouds, treetops, floating islands, and beanstalks.  

Environmental Impact

Much of Gardyloo's's impact on the environment is suffered by those beneath them. Gardyloo is positioned above Gazunder and some of the surrounding Yarborough. This arrangement causes Celestial Occlusion, where celestial radiance is prevented from reaching the ground below. The Brobdingrag Prix also causes significant damage to Gazunder's infrastructure.  

Economic Impact

Gardyloo has various economic ties to Gazunder and the surrounding Yarborough. The Yarborough provides construction, service, and waste management workers, who regularly commute to Gazunder for employment. Most of these jobs are predatory, featuring poor pay, high risk, poor hours, low job security, and costly commutes.  

Giant Entertainment

Gardyloo offers a scenic vantage point over the Brobdingnag Construct Reserve, especially desireable during the yearly Brobdingnag Prix, draws high-stakes gambling and drives tourism.
gardyloo in British English (ˈɡɑːdɪˌluː ) noun. archaic. a warning cry given before throwing dirty water from a window. Those living on the top floor of tenements would dispose of their urine by emptying the container into the street out of an open window, shouting 'Gardyloo!'
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