
There are six known dragons. One per element.   They do not live in Halcyon. They are tourists. Each comes from their own universe, and has an element-specific appearance and personality. In their own universe they may be feared. But in a rare armistice, they have decided to treat Halcyon like a timeshare. The ice dragon gets June and July. The fire dragon gets January and December.   They don't wanna fight you. They are on vacation. Chilling in the sun. Drinking. Dressed as tourists, frolicking on the beach. Kobolds in tuxedos running around them, seeing to their needs like royalty. Fantasy paparazzi stalk them nervously.   In dialog, they talk shit about each other. "Oh THAT guy. Don't get me started. He said whuuuuut?!"   None of the dragons are fans of faerie dragons, which they all see as a slander against dragonkind. As a group, successfully sued the creator of the faerie dragon for defamation of character.
Dragons Concept by Strawbs
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draconis Sapiens
Geographic Distribution


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