Faerie Dragon


Faerie dragons are pests... Think pigeons, but with a bit of Lisa Frank mixed in. They cough low-key fire, fly at a tilt, have twitchy eyes.  


They are known for stealing hats, potions, even small children, to trade for food. They crap on everything and often start trash fires.  


When faerie dragons scratch themselves, which they do often because of scale mites, it looks like glitter.  


Elemental breath weapons? How about Squirt gun, Air blast, Sputtering flame, Dubious Projectile (Earth), Disease (Void), and Divine Healing (Light Magic)?


They are largely immune to magic (but not immune at all to physical damage). Attacking one of them repeatedly will cause other faerie dragons to swarm you a la Zelda. They may pick you up, which could be abused for travel. Magic resistance may be elemental, represented by secondary color? So that offense/defense are random selections?


Drops Faerie Dragon Pelt and Faerie Dragon Mince.


The Food Court specifically warns against feeding them.

Basic Information


Pigeon-like size and appearance, colorful scales, wings

Biological Traits

Varying color patterns, scales, size; lifespan around 5-10 years

Genetics and Reproduction

Reproduce through eggs, hatchlings with mite infestations

Growth Rate & Stages

Rapid growth, hatchling to adult within months

Ecology and Habitats

Urban areas, forests, feed on discarded food

Dietary Needs and Habits

Scavengers, feed on scraps and small creatures

Biological Cycle

Seasonal color changes, molting


Mischievous, thieving, tendency to hoard shiny objects

Additional Information

Social Structure

Solitary or small groups, temporary alliances for food


Not domesticated; potential for limited training

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Faerie Dragon Pelt (rare), Faerie Dragon Mince (rare), cautionary tales

Facial characteristics

Expressive, twitchy eyes, mischievous grin

Average Intelligence

Basic problem-solving, cunning scavenging*

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Twitchy eyes, keen sense of smell, low-key fire coughing

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Scale mites, minor symbiotic relationship

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Individual names, playful designations

Major Organizations

None; often associated with urban areas

Beauty Ideals

Vibrant scales, shimmering patterns

Gender Ideals

Minimal gender distinctions, roles based on scavenging abilities

Courtship Ideals

Shiny object exchanges, aerial displays

Relationship Ideals

Solitary with occasional interactions for mating or territorial disputes

Average Technological Level

Limited tool usage, understanding of urban environments

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Communicate through trills, chirps, and scales

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect for territories, caution around shiny objects

Common Dress Code

None; vibrant scales serve as adornment

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Oral stories, songs about urban life

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Molt celebrations, shiny gatherings

Common Taboos

Stealing from fellow faerie dragons, harming hatchlings


Legends, folklore, urban pest reputation

Common Myths and Legends

Guardians of hidden treasures, bringers of urban luck

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Playful interactions with other species, wary of large predators
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Dracofauna pranksteri
Evolved from scaled creatures, possibly reptilian
5-10 years
Conservation Status
Not under protection; overpopulation concerns
Average Height
25-30 cm (at shoulder)
Average Weight
300-400 grams
Average Length
40-50 cm (including tail)
Average Physique
Agile, compact body
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Rainbow-colored scales, iridescent patterns


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