
A dwerewolf is a Dwarf who has been afflicted with lyncanthropy. Dwerewolves primarily differ from werewolves, in that they are 3-4 feet tall. A single dwerewolf is at a disadvantage against a full-sized attacker. However, they are extraordinarily good diggers, and travel in packs. They attack from below in unison, are able to quickly evade attacks by digging directly into the ground.   When the full moon hits, an afflicted dwarf is compelled to transform. At this point, instinct takes over. It is common for a dwerewolf to awaken after an episode covered in dirt, without any memory of the previous night. Yet the evidence will show that one has excavated a 3-story complex of tunnels, undermined a neighboring guard shack, eaten every pig or boar within 2 miles, and collected a mine cart full of gem stones.   If you ever hear the lonesome sound of a far-off wolf howling into the dark, but you're spelunking, you can be certain there are dwerewolves.
AI Stub Dwerewolf 2 by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution

See also Greatest werewolf transformation scene ever‌.

See also Diggy Diggy Hole.


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