Euphoric Architecture

Euphoric architecure is the study and practice of engineering new habitats at cloud level. The region of Euphoria is constructed entirely at cloud level above the region of Dysphoria using multiple strategies: treetops of groves of enchanted trees, belief-powered clouds, floating islands, and mountain-based structures. Travel from the cloud level to the ground relies on portal hubs and beanstalks (for construction and maintenance). Although the secrets of Euphoric architecture are jealously guarded, Elysium batteries are known to be the means of powering belief-powered structures.

Visual Trends

  • Constructed on mountains and floating islands
  • Towers
  • Castle architecture
  • vaulting archways
  • Escher-like architecture?
  • numerous waving flags
  • Secret passages
  • open-air marketplaces

Environmental Impacts

Euphoric architecture blocks out celestial radiance from the land below, causing celestial occlusion. This impact is especially severe across Dysphoria.
AI Stub Euphoric Architecture by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E


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