
Dysphoria is the central region of Lotria. It is generally flat, although there is a wide variety of biomes.   Dysphoria features geologic scars and unusual juxtapositions of landscapes. It is covered by the ruins of conquered civilizations, which used to inhabit the various islands that aggregated to form Lotria.   The soil of Dysphoria has been depleted of its Fairy Essence, having deleterious effects on the flora and fauna. Due to Celestial Occlusion, caused by the construction of Euphoria above it, subjecting the flora and fauna to further degredation, making it dark, twisted, and hostile.   Dysphoria is largely barren, due to the danger of frequent Rapture Storms, the hostility of flora and fauna, the lack of rain, the lack of infrastructure, and the continuous exodus of the elite and educated to Euphoria.   Travel throughout Dysphoria is unsafe, except in the relative safety of populated areas like Yarborough.
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dys·pho·ri·a /disˈfôrēə/ noun PSYCHIATRY a state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction with life. "adolescents with depression, dysphoria, mania, and anxiety disorders"


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