
The Everbide is a unique, quasi-real pocket dimension. It typically manifests as a waiting room.   Many travelers have reported encountering the Everbide. The story is always the same. It appears unexpectedly at a moment of great need. One sits for a (seeming?) eternity, the traveler re-enters reality at a point in the timeline where they are needed.   The nature of the Everbide is a matter of some speculation. The accepted theory is that the Everbide is a Limn with a feeding pattern that is less hostile to its occupants.  

Game Behavior

  Everbide acts as the setting behind the start menu. The most recent saved characters are shown sitting, standing, reading magazines, etc. Everything is medieval but there is obviously a potted plant, and a receptionist.   The act of starting the game causes the matching character(s) to stand, walk up to the door, and enter the world. The door represents the destination. The more dangerous and exaggerated the place, the sillier it looks in a waiting room. The settings screen corresponds to the bathroom.   The scene depicts a stereotypical lobby, with magazines, central table, potted plant, water cooler, overhead florescent lighting, restroom door, central door with receptionist - but all with a whimsical comic fantasy aesthetic. The most recent saved characters would be shown sitting, standing, reading magazines, etc. The central door represents the destination. It should be dangerous and exaggerated, representing a grim destination, contrasting the medieval waiting room.
AI Stub Everbide by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Dimensional, Pocket


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