
The realm of Lugubria is a massive island continent, floating in the air with a terrifying vantablack void far below, slowly turning, unsupported. Lugubria's surface is generally flat, and its underside shows signs of fantastic metal ores, pockets of radiant crystals, and light-catching gemstones - hidden from its inhabitants above.  

Central Feature

At Lugubria's exact center, an immense (yet elegant) marble fountain, surrounded by mist, rainbows, and enchanted forests, magically produces three mighty rivers.

Division of Lands

These rivers divide Lugubria into three distinct lands, suggestive of Anaxamander's T-and-O map of Earth. Each river ends in an infinite waterfall, creating twisting rainbows in the ominous, misty depths beneath.

Orbiting Planetoids

Lugubria is orbited by twelve tiny planetoids, **each just large enough to look humorously fake and not blocking the sky, reminiscent of the scale and gravity in 'The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry**, arranged around Lugubria like the Ptolemaic model.

Cultural and Mythological Inspiration

Lugubria's themes draw inspiration from Ancient Greek, Medieval, Brothers Grimm fantasy, Fairy myths, Scandinavian mythology (e.g. the Lads), Christmas lore, and open to any fantasy, philosophical, or theoretical source up to the end of Earth's Medieval ages. Lugubria suggests a realm where all these ideas are concurrent, and at war.  



Characterised by endless summer, aligned to verdant growth (Green/Earth and Red/Fire magic), suggestive of the Fairy Summer Court.  

Winter Court

Characterised by endless winter. (Yellow/Air and Blue/Water, suggestive of the Fairy Winter Court.  


All remaining influences.  

Seasonal Warfare

The Summer and Winter Courts go to war for several days as the season changes, which causes weather imbalances and rotational wobbles across Lugubria.  

Winter Front Lines

On the side of the Winter Court, the capitol of Iceburg shines in the sun - resembling a snowy North Pole village turned into a metropolis.  

Summer Front Lines

On the side of Summer Court, the front lines are secured by thorny magical vines, suggestive of the sleeping Beauty myth. Forest elves, gnomes, fairies, and animated objects dig into trenches. A krampus patrols the front line.    



  • Lugubria
Magical Realm
Included Locations


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