Labyrinth of HoA

Located at the edge of the enigmatic Phantasmic Sea and bordering the realm of Halcyon, the Labyrinth of HoA is a sprawling Minotauran settlement.  

Structure and Design

  Comprising an intricate network of buildings, this city is uniquely formed from both rectangular and circular labyrinths. While the layout can shift and change, the impeccable memory of the Minotaurans ensures certain sections remain static, creating a blend of dynamic and fixed structures.  

Theme and Aesthetics

  Each section of the Labyrinth is colored and themed as per individual property owners' preferences. Each territory adheres to its own unique rules, that are consistent within that territory. Interspersed among the winding corridors and towers, urban infrastructure like roads and shops are seamlessly integrated.  

Security and Traps

  The Labyrinth is dotted with a variety of traps, from spinning blades to concealed trapdoors. These serve as both a deterrent for intruders and an insurance advantage for property damage claims. Patrolling Minotauran watchmen, easily recognizable in their colorful polo shirts, monitor the area from their enchanted golf carts.   See Into the Labyrinth of HoA.
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species


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