
Animated giant skeleton  that provides permiter security and bouncer service at Skeleton Caye.   Rattlebones should be the skeleton an actual titan, about 4 stories tall. It walks the perimeter of Skeleton Caye, in the ever-blowing therapeutic sand storms. Because the sands disintegrate any clothing, Rattlebones wears no costume except for an enchanted employee name badge. It will carry skeletons back to the resort, by carrying passengers in its hand.
AI Stub Rattlebones by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
AI Stub Rattlebones 2 by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
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rattlebones plural noun 1: BONE entry 1 sense 5a 2 usually singular in construction : a lean and bony person or animal
  From Merriam Webseter - Rattlebones


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