
Found in Pandemonium, Dysphoria, Yarborough, Skeleton Caye, and Lichfield Campus. Wealthy skeletons can be found on the SS Slumgullion.


Skeletons can originate in two ways:
  • "True" soul-bound skeletons. Accomplished via Light Magic, which heals and binds souls to bodies. Requires (once-)living material.The bound soul is usually the original, but not necessarily. If (when) the original is missing, a recently departed soul is pulled from the multiverse. They move similar to a human.
  • Animated skeletal objects. Accomplished via Earth Magic(Growth, life, emergence). It gives agency and personhood to objects, but does not involve souls. The animated object is able to move in cartoony ways. In the case of a skeleton form, the being lacks an inherent memory of a living body, and is able to move in all possible degrees of freedom. A plaster skeleton model could be animated in this way, and it would have the option of walking like a human, or could bending all its joints freely.

Soul Prejudice

Soul prejudice is where magically animated skeletons (new- or random-souled) are not respected by "true" skeletons (same-souled animated), due to absence of a soul -- although they are in most aspects equivalent.   A common faux pas for outsiders, is to suggest either one is Void-aligned. Both skeletons will stop their disagreement, and attack you for that slur. If you suggest they look identical, they will be similarly angry. Magic-enhanced beings (including white skeletons but not green skeletons) are able to see colored auras... and so they can tell at a glance. This means that a white skeleton can see whether any other skeleton is white vs green. But a green skeleton cannot.   This creates a power disparity that white skeletons sometimes abuse. This leads to added animosity between them. However, green skeletons are allies of the Resistentialist Rebels. They use their amazing joint control to dance, gesture, separate parts of their body, as part of complex greeting rituals.


Seeing your fellow green skeleton do a jolly skeleton dance and juggle its head is proof of your common heritage. And proof they aren't a white skeleton in disguise. White skeletons prefer to sleep in coffins. Green skeletons prefer to hang from hooks. However, the preference is largely cultural. Reversing this trend is considered a bit scandalous.


Using the word "zombie" is considered an insulting slur. It describes a skeleton person, prior to decarnation. Past a certain point of death, flesh becomes decreasingly reanimateable. If you wait too long, the person comes back as a rotting corpse. However, bones are especially prone to reanimation magic. Whatever soul is closest (across the multiverse) at time of reanimation enters the skeleton. If the death was recent, it is usually the original soul. A "zombie" is simply a new skeleton, whose old flesh still needs removal, causing them to stumble and groan helplessly.
AI Stub Skeleton Problems by ChatGPT 4.0 Plus / DALL-E
Green skeleton territory ritual, while white skeletons sleep beneath: Silly Symphonies - The Skeleton Dance   Need to convert this to a condition [Skeletal], that just happens to have cultural implications. Link to White Skeleton and Green Skeleton factions, and move the details there. [Skeletal] can be applied in combination with [Animated](green and soulless) and [Revenant](white and souled). This would be applied to any species ([Human]) or object at the base. It could further be combined with Giant - which also needs to be converted to a condition.


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