
Ephemera is a realm that resembles a modern-day, magical Earth. Notably, Ephemera is hollow, and containing a vast and intricate network of interconnected tunnels and caverns. The realm draws inspiration from elements of fantasy literature, with influences from the likes of J.K.Rowling and H.P. Lovecraft.   In the Third Era, Ephemera has signed the treaty of Halcyon. Cthulhu has awakened. However, instead of plunging mankind into darkness and madness as expected, it turns out Cthulhu has, for the first time ever, gotten enough sleep. As a result, it is in a very good mood. Ephemera is characterized by the unsettling whims of Cthulhu; everyone is on tenterhooks.  



Modern-day magical Earth with a hollow interior. Intricate network of interconnected tunnels and caverns. Diverse landscapes within the realm, from surreal subterranean forests to expansive underground cities.


Unique subterranean ecosystems shaped by magical forces. Bioluminescent flora, enigmatic creatures, and luminescent fungi thrive in the labyrinthine depths.

Ecosystem Cycles

Linked to mysterious fluctuations of magical energies. Subterranean seasons affect flora, fauna, and magic-infused phenomena. Cycles of magical surges and wanes create an ever-changing environment.

Localized Phenomena

Luminous subterranean auroras, whispers of eldritch magic, shifting cavern layouts, and enigmatic echoes. Magical occurrences reflect the realm's connection to the mystical.


Influenced by magical currents and subterranean energies. Underground breezes, enchantment-laden rains, and spectral mists contribute to the mystical climate of Ephemera.

Fauna & Flora

Bioluminescent creatures, subterranean flora, and enigmatic beings adapted to the realm's hollow landscape. Magical energies infuse life forms and environment.

Natural Resources

Enchanted crystals, luminous gems, and magical minerals found within the caverns. Highly sought-after magical resources for arcane crafts and rituals.


Shrouded in mystery, Ephemera's origins are tied to its hollow structure and unique magical properties. The Third Era brings the awakening of Cthulhu, whose good mood leads to unsettling yet intriguing events.


Adventurers, thrill-seekers, and scholars are drawn to Ephemera to explore its subterranean wonders. Visitors delve into hidden cities, study arcane energies, and witness the whims of a slumbering deity.


  • Ephemera
Magical Realm


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