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Grand Elder

There are ten Grand Elders, including the Revered Speaker, who make up the Selkie Circle of Elders - the supreme executive council of the Khilaia. These Elders control emergency subsidies and edicts, and control the Hanahai bureaucracy.    Elders are typically over the age of 50 or 60. Each is considered to have accomplished deeds and careers of note. Most of these elders come from powerful political dynasties, but not all of them do - glory and reputation matter much more than birth here. The Circle of Elders curate a list of possible successors, called the Esteemed Roll, which is quite the accomplishment to get on - the Roll is public and serves as a kind of award in itself. Whenever a member of the Circle dies, the Revered Speaker, the first among equals, proposes a replacement from the list and the council votes on it.   The Elders live and work in Mohomwa Cove nearly year-round, very rarely leaving their sacred temple. At least 5 Elders must remain in the Cove at all times, in case of emergencies. As such, they tend to be very insulated from the broader world.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Gold veils, white and gold horn hats, swan feather capes, and vibrant traditional robes are all part of the Elder uniform. Many of these items are enduring and magical.
Civic, Political
Form of Address
His/her greatness
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