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Kasmir, the Rot

Kasmir is one of the Four Adversaries, the newborn inverted mirrors of the Architects that are hellbent on destroying or warping the world beyond recognition. Of the Adversaries, Kasmir is the most direct counterpart to The Masked One  Kasmir's form of destruction if plague, rot, and natural disaster. He is a solemn and quiet ghost. The world decays and breaks as he walks on it, those he looks upon are striken with his terrible plague, and a vast storm rages around him. He isn't too personally involved in his apocalypse - the plague he spreads does most of the work. The Rot plague strips the soul and mind from the body and transforms the remaining flesh into aimless puppets, spreading the plague as they drift mindlessly through their prior haunts. Those who survive their infections find themselves haunted by Kasmir's thoughts and spirit, tempting them to become his warlocks. The Warlocks of the Rot spread the plague on their own terms and derive power from the destruction they propogate; all of them have their own motives and very few of them are close or receive instructions from Kasmir himself. Kasmir has a much closer relationship with the massive monsters that form from mass death or Infection events - particularly the Plague Enginers, enormous kaiju that also release mutated strains of the Rot plague. But these monsters are animals, rampaging pets more than servants.   As for Kasmir himself, he is a man resigned to his fate as the end of the world. He sees his role as inevitable, perhaps even necessary, and hopes to minimize the discomfort and suffering that he brings. He soothes the pain of the Infected and dying, and whispers to the living to ease them into acceptance. He is more dutiful than either benevolent or malevolent, though; he generally doesn't intervene when his warlocks act cruelly or kindly (though they tend towards cruelty a little more, given the nature of their powers). Little is known of him or his background, other than him being born on an island in Ukaram - likely Irakelev.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pale mask with an X scratched across it. A pale beak. A Circle of black water.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The Plague:
  • Spread by water primarily, though possibly close enough contact as well
  • Can infect any species
  • Initial symptoms are similar to a light flu, as well as an incredibly overwhelming thirst
  • Worsening symptoms include sudden tiredness, cold sweats, and periods of lost time
  • During this heightened infection, the victim has a chance of recovery IF they rest continually, have access to nutritious food and water, are treated with medicines such as Kilusha, and have warm shelter. Those with better immune systems are more likely to recover
  • Those who do not recover have their personalities and sentience repressed. They will obey the last directions given, but will otherwise do nothing. These infected will still produce more plague and can be possessed by the Rot
  • Those who recover are permanently psychically connected to the Rot - capable of detecting it in others and being detected by it, and dreaming of its words. Those who agree to serve it can become rot warlocks, but not all survivors become warlocks.
  • The rot can create the seeds for "Plague Engines": massive monsters that grow as plague is spread. 
  • Plague Engines can mutate new strains of the plague that are wildly different in effect and transmission.
  • The rot can create aquatic monsters
  The Vikasha Strain:
  • seemed to attract and control vermin, and cats seemed to be attacked on sight by them
  • While rats are the most overt agents of this strain, swarming insects are also very common; it can also infect birds
  • The vermin of this strain are able to get well away from water
  • Vermin who die or linger in water sources can infect that water as well
  Kasmir Personally:
  • Has wings 
  • Shapeshifts
  • Is protected by a giant Leviathan 
  • Projects a constant aura of decay that destroys anything near them
  • Passively infects those in their area with plague
  • Is surrounded passively by a massive supernatural storm that they can manipulate to an extent - sending a massive tidal wave in an instance


Verkon, The False Chimera

Coworker (Vital)

Towards Kasmir, the Rot



Kasmir, the Rot

Sibling (Vital)

Towards Verkon, The False Chimera



Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2000 ME 20 Years old
Curly black hair, with a white flower
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown
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