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Verkon, The False Chimera

Verkon is one of the Four Adversaries, the newborn inverted mirrors of the Architects that are hellbent on destroying or warping the world beyond recognition. Of the Adversaries, is the most direct counterpart to The Chimera.   Verkon is a master of illusions and dreams, who appears in the sleeping minds of mortals and in failed attempts at the the Divine Contact. He offers mortals power and validation, sowing the seeds of dozens of cults around the world. Rather than destroy reality himself, he simply gives the tools to mortals and encourages them to use them to perpetuate the most extreme versions of their cultural beliefs. The cults may bicker, may self-sabotage, but they always destabilize. Verkon simply has to sit back, radicalize the newest trend, harvest information, and spread his own misinformation. From his lunar labyrinth in the world of dreams, he can watch from above while the world devours itself.    Verkon's "gifts", his powerful magical arts, are all essentially reflecting dreams and emotions felt by large numbers of people - just made real. However, the more power the spell or the magical item made, the more mortal emotion and dreams must be harvested. Whether it be by placing people in perpetual slumber, harvesting their fear and terror and pain, or ambiently siphoning their emotions and leaving them dazed and overwhelmed, this harvesting process is rarely without its costs. And, whenever the spell or item is used and that dreaming energy is released, the world becomes a little less stable and a little more dreamlike and malleable. Eventually, the lines between reality, thought, possibility, belief, and feeling will collapse entirely, plunging all people into a world of chaos.   Verkon is extremely secretive and almost entirely unknown outside of the Gods - and even they don't really know much about him.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The red moon; a third moon. Many symbols of individual cults surely exist, but are unknown to the Gods.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Things known about the False Chimera:
  • Is protected bodily by a nightmare labyrinth demiplane, which can be entered from any nexus of plane-weakening activity
  • If the boundary between dreams and reality are sufficiently weakened, the nightmare maze will manifest in the real world as a third crimson moon
  • The demiplane can be used for fast travel
  • New groups can create new ways of breaking the world, if they have sufficient popular belief to draw on in how they do it
  • If reality breaks, it can create a gate between two planes
Cults in Stildane
  • One group, operating around The Deverkel Wastes, use Dream Obelisks to undermine reality. Dream Obelisks feed off of sleeping hosts, who are preserved in eternal slumber and must be kept nearby, to slowly warp reality.
  • The False Chimera has some way to produce new , and to control what Ederstone makes - also to use it on Kobolds. The Kivishta religion would surely be desperate to be in control of this technology, to prevent a religious crisis.
  • The eyes of those in eternal slumber are taken and used to create dark artifacts
Cults in Asalay:
  • Selkie organized crime groups have acquired special blades that allow them to make transformation pelts of anything - including other people, who they can wear and turn into at will.
  • Orthodox Desmians have been making a slaughterhouse factory to make some kind of artifact, in alliance with Kivishta
  • Monsters in the Asalay Dungeon are gathering under Verkon's banner
Other Cults:
  • One group, operating in an unknown place, use Withering Crystals to explosively break reality. Withering Crystals are made using altered gem plague (that can affect any species), which siphons off a person's concentrated total life suffering to create a powerful weapon or unholy item. These crystals are powerful, but are consumed in use.
  • One group somewhere uses powerful magical arts of some sort.
  Many other cults surely exist


Verkon, The False Chimera

Coworker (Vital)

Towards Kasmir, the Rot



Kasmir, the Rot

Sibling (Vital)

Towards Verkon, The False Chimera



Divine Classification
Year of Birth
2000 ME 20 Years old
One red and goatlike, the other purple and snakelike
Long and pale silvery blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white-purple, mottled with mutations

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