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Safia, the False Halcyon

Safia is one of the Four Adversaries, the newborn inverted mirrors of the Architects  that are hellbent on destroying or warping the world beyond recognition. Of the Adversaries, Safia is the most direct counterpart to Halcyon.   Safia would never call herself the False Halcyon - as far as she is concerned, she is Halcyon herself, the Creator Goddess reborn. She perhaps the most hands-on and obviously powerful Adversary. Armies of monsters rise to her call and the world warps as her corruption spreads. The Goddess only tolerates subtlety as a short-term means to prepare for her grand entrance. Safia is bombast, power, and terror. From her walking mountain citadel, she unleashes powerful curses and swarms of new and twisted life. She pushes her servants to ever-deeper depths of immorality and she torments and tortures the majority of her army - those who follow her unwillingly, but succumed to corruption. Safia isn't trying to end the world, but her victory would transform the known universe into an eternal living hell.    Little is known as to why Safia would do this. She mocks and manipulates any who dare show her empathy, and she labels any form of emotional vulnerability as weakness. She presents herself as a tall, godlike woman in rainbow armor, engulfed in shimmering multicolored heavenly light - perhaps soaring above the viewer on wings or sitting on a diamond throne. She is the God-Empress of the universe, atop of ziggurat of supplicant flesh. But who she really is beneath that isn't clearly known. The Gods have a lead that she came from the Empire of Runeva, which explains a few things, but other things aren't quite clear.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A rainbow ziggurat. A shining halo. The smell of sweetness, often with the smell of delicious roasted flesh. A sword lifted above reaching hands.

Physical Description

Special abilities

So far, the powers of Safia seem to be:
  • Uses pretty, glimmering spores to latch onto people and seize control of their bodies. Breathing in these spores is the primary method of invasion, but sufficient skin exposure will also do the trick. Both methods require sustained buildup of spores.
  • Once the spore buildup reaches critical mass, the host is struck with telepathic commands demanding total obedience to "Halcyon"; those who agree to do horrible things in the face of potential harm are made into Chosen (who retain their previous appearances), while those who refuse to obey are transformed into the Unwilling (monsters pre-programmed by the Empress to cause maximum damage)
  • Human Unwilling transform into fungal hives and spore emitters, with some basic weapon-appendages. Behavior unknown
  • Dryad Unwilling transform into large clawed monsters that are set to charge at any non-corrupted sentient life
  • Half-dryad Unwilling become stealthy, venomous beasts with excellent climbing abilities.
  • Prism Unwilling become huge crystalline monsters. Behavior unknown.
  • All Unwilling seem driven to collect corpses, particularly of sentient life forms
  • Dryad Chosen/Willing have limited plant-druid powers and speed
  • Chosen/Willing seem to be able to control small numbers of Unwilling
  • The Unwilling are alive and sentient in there, but are prisoners in their own body. They are unable to intentionally say anything that could be useful to their enemies
  • Dead creatures taken by corruption go to Paradise, to feed Safia's heavenly war machine
  • Safia herself is hiding in a living fortress, surrounding by a cursed hurricane with elements of the Day of Blood
  • Animals in corrupted lands can become vessels for corruption: spying, spreading spores, or serving as walking booby traps to ambush enemies with
  • Safia is able to create new and horrific monsters, and will be able to perform greater atrocities if given access to sources of powerful divine magic
  • Some inner council serves Safia loyally; suspected by Potha to be a dark lunar pantheon
  • Anyone who performs a Divine Contact in corrupted land gets Safia instead of a Lunar God; paladins in Safia's territory are cut off from their Gods
  • Cursed magical items can be made that spread corruption and control those who attune them
  • Relationships

    Dina, the Martyr

    Begrudging Partner

    Towards Safia, the False Halcyon


    Safia, the False Halcyon


    Towards Dina, the Martyr


    Divine Classification
    Year of Birth
    2000 ME 20 Years old
    Jet Black
    Long, shining hair with a colorful rainbow flower
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale marble, vines, and glass

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