Eternis Item in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Eternis, the lost eye of the deity Flint the Bright, also known as the Eternal Flame, is said to hold a fraction of the fire gods power. It is also said to grant the wielder that fraction of his power, possible giving them immortality, power over fire, and super strength. The current wielder is believed to be Antael the Long-lived but if it is true, then she hides the eye from the public.   The eye is said to have been lost in a spout between Flint the Bright and Aquarius the Bashful some time either during or after the The Catalyst. The eye was removed by Hydrotis wielded by Aquarius during their fight, and is one of the only weapons known to have been capable of damaging a god, and of preventing bodily regeneration.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Year 1
Current Holder
Legend says that Flint the Bright's other eye holds the same power, leaving there to be only two of it's kind in the world.
Base Price


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