Flint the Bright Character in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Flint the Bright

Lord Flinten Wildstar, the Bright

Divine Domains

The Other Side (Ottersude), the Southern Quadrant of Unity


Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • His holiest and most common symbol is a black skull
  • Anything to do with fire or heat
  • Has the holy metal of ruby as part of his divinity and power

Physical Description

Body Features

Flint has fiery, blood crimson skin with glowing, fiery veins and golden locks organised in what is best described as 'bed hair'. Though he appears to give off light, the room he stands in remains the same light level, since he has a glow to him but no actual light.

Facial Features

He has a chiselled face with a squared out jaw and a strong chin lacking any facial hair. He has but one eye which glows a fiery orange and none can look into, as it is as bright as the sun. His eye patch acts both to hide a godly injury but also to prevent mortals from getting sunburn just from his gaze.

Special abilities

  • Can control fire and heat
  • Can change his human-like appearance at will
  • Can change into a fire spirit, giving him the ability to fly
  • Can produce fire and increase the level of heat in the relative area
  • Is resistant to extreme heat, fire and lava
  • Is super-humanly strong
  • Is incredibly fast, able to run at the speed of light if he so wishes

Apparel & Accessories

His armour appears to be of some level similar to steel, but is actually made of a rare metal found only in The Other Side which glows with fiery intent and is incredibly hot to the touch. The armour is full of reds and oranges with an undergarment of black, with his armour plating reaching down past his waist and covered in a belt made of an indeterminable form of black leather with red art designs across it, the belt also covering the upper right of his torso. On the centre he had this strange red metal travelling to the left shoulder over the top of his red and orange plating. For his shoulders he had an opening on the right opposed to the defensive red plate with orange studs connected to the metal collar protecting his neck. On his arms it was plain that he was wearing a black and red tunic appearing to be made of solid smoke, going down to just above his elbows and orange cloth wraps around his wrists with red plates connected to it shaped to reach a point facing towards his elbow. His weapon of choice appeared to be a large steel battle axe with a spruce wood handle with a spear point between the axe blades at the top of the handle and three sharp diamond shaped spikes at the bottom of the handle.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

  • Fire
  • Heat
  • Lava
  • Sex
  • Fighting
  • Axes
  • Mirrors
  • Rubies
  • Water
  • Diamonds, emeralds and gold
  • Plants
  • Angelic people
  • Cool or cold temperatures

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Strong and fast
  • Able to change

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Wild
  • Chaotic
  • Unpredictable
  • Dangerous
  • Rash


He always seems to smell of smoke...



While he has reigned as the Emperor of Ottersude since he created it, since the The Catalyst he has been an absent ruler, with Gregor Jones leading in his stead.

Family Ties

Religious Views

He is one of the deities of Unyrdom and the only deity of Pyrenity.

Social Aptitude

  • Charismatic
  • Condfident
  • Egotistical
  • Extroverted
  • Lack of ettiquette
  • Ill-mannered
  • Bright (as in pretty smart)


He speaks in a voice that doesn't make him seem quite threatening, nor childish, but are spoken simply with enough charisma to get an Elf to marry a Dwarf.


Gregor Jones

Right hand man (Important)

Towards Flint the Bright



Flint the Bright

Master (Vital)

Towards Gregor Jones



Nicknames & Petnames

Flint calls Gregor simply by his last name, Jones.

Aeranus the Illusive

Ex-lover (Important)

Towards Flint the Bright



Flint the Bright

Ex-lover (Vital)

Towards Aeranus the Illusive




Aera and Flint grew up together, having been two of the four people actually around at the time they grew up. Over time feelings began to develop for each, until they finally began dating, in the way that gods can date. This went well for centuries, until eventually Flint committed an unforgivable act for which Aera would not speak to him again for another few centuries, even casting herself out from the Valley of the Gods and creating the Sky Pirates of the West, leaving her realm to fall into chaos.

Tomadryl the Vast

Lover (Important)

Towards Flint the Bright



Flint the Bright

Lover (Trivial)

Towards Tomadryl the Vast




In 456 after an argument with Aeranus the Illusive Flinten was told that Aeranus would rather lay with a dragon than with Flinten, which Flinten took personally. So in spite, Flinten went and found a dragon, and lay with him. The revenge plot didn't have the desired effect on Aeranus, instead of jealousy he had inspired humour, and all of the gods made fun of her for this attempt at revenge. Further humiliation came when it turned out Tomadryl the Vast had made Flinten pregnant, with triplets.

Flint the Bright

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Aquarius the Bashful



Aquarius the Bashful

Rival (Trivial)

Towards Flint the Bright




While they have had a complicated throughout history as deities of opposite elements, it came to a head during The Catalyst, especially when Aquarius cut out Flint's eye Eternis with Hydrotis.

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of the Infernal
  • The Ruby Trickster
  • Emperor of Ottersude
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1 1062 Years old
Current Residence
Firestate Palace (name pending)
Fiery orange, draconic
Banana coloured short cut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Radiant red, glowing, burning hot
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Past Appearance


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