The Catalyst Prose in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

The Catalyst

The Catalyst was the breaking up of the Unitian Pantheon that occurred in 953, and left an impact on the region of Unity bigger than any other. It changed the tides of war, creating and ending some, it broke empires and sent peaceful lands into chaos. Most importantly it caused the departure of some gods from the mortal plane, while others reserved themselves to their high towers, and all abandoned their valley altogether.   It began in the year 900, with the birth of a man known then as Gerhid Vatto . He was born the son of a farmer and of a tanner, in a barn somewhere in The Spruceburn Plains. For 16 years he grew up as a simple farmer, ploughing fields and moving hay in neater piles. He was a kind and smart boy for one with a peasant upbringing, and he loved the time he spent selling stock at the nearby town of Clayrest with his mother. His name was known by many of the townsfolk and all were supportive towards him due to his supportiveness towards them. He was never shy of offering a penny he didn't have to those in need, to assisting tradesman and shopkeeps in deliveries and services for no price. He was known as "the boy with the noble heart", and this caught the attention of the real nobles.   Clayrest at the time was part of the Barony of Auratia, which was led by Faben the Cruel who as his name suggests, was not the kindest of rulers. Faben had ruled over his father's land with fear even before he was officially inaugurated, as his father had been sick for 3 years, and so hadn't been able to teach his son the proper way to rule. Under his rule peasants suffered through terrible conditions, low food, and no hygiene standards, less than usual at least. When Faben heard of the "boy with the noble heart", he saw him as a threat, stating "only I am noble in Clayrest". So he travelled from his capital of Goldenwall Fortress to Clayrest, with an entourage of guards to 'protect' 'him'. He reached the town in less than a day and set up a podium from which he could speak to his dirty townspeople. He demanded that the boy known as having a 'noble heart' be brought forth, so that he may speak with him. A blacksmith brought him forth, stating "this is he, he has just been helping me by bringing ingots from the miners. He saved me a days travel and asked not even for a dime!" The Baron's eye twitched at this, before he stated "this boy is a criminal, what you call a noble heart is in truth an evasion of each and everyone of your taxes! By not paying him he is in turn not needing to pay me and that leaves us all for worse." The crowd exchanged looks of dismay and confusion, stunned by the Baron's accusation, most not understanding what he was saying. "And so therefore" the Baron continued, "the entire town should be punished". An outcry began, some nervous or outraged but most townspeople scared of what this could mean before the Baron hushed them all and elaborated "but I instead see another option." He paused for a moment before stating "the boy can be executed on the behalf of all of you". At first the town was outraged, no more than the boys parents, while Gerhid stood there shocked, unsure what to make of this. But as he thought about it he decided that all of this had been his own fault, and offered himself to the Baron. Stunned at this, the townspeople suddenly went silent, though the boy's mother wailed from the back of the crowd. The boy assured her it would be alright, as his father began to comfort her, and he rose up the wooden steps to the podium that the Baron had prepared in the middle of the street. Two guards approached, one carrying a small wooden box with a dent in it, and the other carrying a large axe, this was always meant to be a public execution. Faben smiled as the boy was lowered to have his neck on the dent in the box, but as the second guard raised his axe and the Baron prepared for satisfaction, a large rumbling was felt throughout the city.   While lowered and on the box, noble Gerhid had begun praying. While most people in Unity at the time, and still in present, consider themselves followers of Unyrdom, the pantheon of four deities, most actually prefer just one of them. The people in the area Gerhid was in was almost completely praising only Jorden the Immovable, deity of nature, law, roads, and wealth. So the rumbling felt around the town, causing jumping pebbles and the departure of nearby birds was assumed to be the arrival of this Jorden. However they would soon be surprised at the sound of thunder, the sight of a crackle of lightning and the beginning of a hard rain. These were the signs of the arrival of not only Jorden the Immovable, but all the deities of Unyrdom. In a flash of lightning appeared the deity Flint the Bright, her feet slowly burning the wood upon which she stood. She stood around 8', wearing crimson robes with smoky black details and a steel outline. She wore a necklace with a ruby skull of a raven attached and wore her warrior's crown made of red steel and gold. She had demonic eyes with void black pupils and flaming corneas. Her hair was curly and unbelievably long, the curls seeming like flowing lava due to their flaming structure. In a large droplet of rain arrived her opposite, Aquarius the Bashful, forming out of the apparent puddle. Rising first from the puddle was he crown of ice and frost-tipped ears followed closely be her seaweed coloured hair. Her man-like face structured like that of a nobles caught the eye almost as quick as her frost coloured eyes, before people noticed her clam shell covered breasts and extremely muscular arms with a perfect 8-pac. Her lower arms with blue and green fins also caught attention, as well as her pearl necklace and seaweed and clam shell vambrace and skirt. Her lower half was at first the tail of a fish, looking like the Mer she represented, before the tail changed into the form of two muscular legs with fins like the ones on her arms appearing on her calves. Standing fully formed, she slammed the end of her gold and iron trident onto the pavement, announcing her arrival. However she was quickly overshadowed by the bright light that appeared after the sound, almost as if lightning came after her thunder, and as the sun-like light receded there stood standing Aeranus the Illusive, a handsome man with white and brown locks down to the beginning of his neck and a brown beard, slightly covering a large smirk. He stood in shining golden armour with white robes beneath, holding his trademark bow, Devil's Tempest. But nothing stood out more than the large white and golden feathered wings reaching across the podium behind him. At the notice of this the rumbling finally subsided for a second, before Jorden the Immovable stood between the crowd and Gerhid, having broken through the ground in front of him. Everyone from the Baron to the guards to the crowd and Gerhid's parents stood shocked at the arrival of their four gods and all bowed down to them, most angling themselves to face Jorden. However Gerhid simply smiled and rose, as the gods looked at each other confused. Gerhid looked at them all, and noticed they stood in four particular points, Aquarius standing North, Jorden standing East, Flint standing South, and Aeranus standing West. As they looked at each other bewildered, Gerhid spoke up, stating "you all heeded my call! I had hoped for one, yes, but to achieve all of you here for my salvaion... It is an honour my lords" and finally he stood and bowed, facing each god an equal amount of time, ending on Jorden who spoke up "You, you prayed for your salvation and reached each of us? I thought that not possible." Aeranus then spoke, replying with "Unless he is the true..." but was interrupted by Flint who complained that it was all a waste of her time if everyone else was here. Gerhid began again, stating that he believes himself to be a true follower of Unyrdom, keeping in touch and following the doctrines of all four branches, Ceadom, Gracianity, Pyrenity, and Aerilym, believing them each to be equally important, that each of the deities standing before him are equally important. The gods, shocked at his true belief and words surrounding it, believed they had found what had been imbedded in their brains since their creation, that there would be a person who would one day truly unite Unity under one crown, one religion, and one people. A man who could master the balance of power between the four tides from within the four ranges, namely the Valley of the Gods. After a look of knowing between them, Jorden again spoke up, stating to Gerhid "young boy, we believe you to be the Astir, the master of balance and the great uniter, and wish to offer you salvation from between the four ranges the guide the four tides. We offer tutorship in the art of ruling, balance, and of the tides, so that one day you may form one Unitian kingdom. What do you say?". Gerhid stood, astonished at the accusation, and had no answer but.. "Yes, his answer is yes", Aeranus would interrupt, hearing the boys heart. So Jorden turned to the crowd, and announced Gerhid of the past to be soon all but gone, and that the next time he would be seen would be as Astir, High King of Unitia. The crowd cheered as a fiery portal opened up imbued with the golden power of air and fire, creating a portal to the valley.   Over the next twelve years Gerhid was forgotten, still having not been seen by the public. However the story still spread around Unity like one of Flint's wildfires, reaching every ear in the realm, though most believed it an old wives tale. However during this time Gerhid spent learning all he would need to know, spending a year at a time with each deity in a cycle of Aquarius, Jorden, Flint, Aeranus, tutoring with each three times over the twelve years. Until finally, upon his last day with Aeranus in her high tower within the valley, he took him down to the grand hall where the other three deities awaited with the largest throne anyone would ever see. But even more impressive was what lay upon it. A crown of gold, silver, red steel and ice in making somehow all at the same time with the holy jewel of each deity sat waiting, the Crown of Unity. They explained that whoever wore this crown would have power over the gods, and that they themselves were unable to wear it. They continued, saying that it would only accept those of noble heart and spirit as a wearer, and would transform them into Astir, master of the gods, the four tides and balancer of realms. Gerhid approached slowly as they spoke, before lifting the crown and taking a seat in a throne to big for his small frame. He lifted the crown to his head and slowly lowered it, each deity looking from their own thrones around the shared table. As the crown rested on his head a spectrum of light shone down upon Gerhid from within it. He began to rise from his seat and gained height as his muscles expanded into that of a true warrior. His left eye turned green and his hair a golden blonde. He gained armour completely covering his body with royal embroidery of each god and metal also representing each, with spiked boots of flame, a half earthen and half ice chestpiece with large feathered wings forming out behind him. Screaming out in pain the whole time, his scream slowly went deeper, and as the light subsided, Gerhid was gone, and so stood Astir, High King of Unitia, Balancer of Power and the Four Tides, in his multi-spectrum glory. Each deity immediately stood and bowed, though it took Flint a second, and Astir took in his new power, but also his new responsibility.   High King Astir was announced as ruler of Unitia not long after this, he was paraded around Unity like a new puppy, earning respect and power wherever he went. He would quickly realise his new ability over the gods, that whatever her spoke, ordered, or even sometimes demanded, they would have to follow to his words exactly. However this was something they also noticed, and while three of the four were okay with it, Flint began to have doubts over her belief in the united power of the tides. Astir and the gods would go on after their parade around the land to ensure it stayed united. This included disbanding the nations of each god, having them instead ruled directly by Astir, Gracia being reduced to a Barony, Ottersude being sent to only remain within its dimensional realm, Aquatica losing all it's territory above water and Cerulealot being split similarly to Gracia. On top of this all rulers not under rule of the gods had to be either subdued or swear loyalty to the new High King, especially high profile figures such as the kings of Primrosestor and Rosenwind, Bilgeglade, Dagmire, Mudhill and the independent kingdoms on Triplehorn Island. On top of this the wild lands of the Bloody Swells had to be subdued and the giants who had once again begun encroaching upon lands in the Southern swamps had to be pushed back. After this Astir needed to consolidate his reign with an heir, and so a search for a wife began. Some suggested simply laying with Flint or Aquarius, but Astir preferred the idea of a human woman, and didn't particulary like the idea of being burned. Eventually a woman was found, or rather offered, from the city of Glimmerfair by Ayduin Sylverstar, her father. Despite being an arranged marriage, and a rocky start, Astir and his wife   With his power consolidated, Astir would go on to rule Unity until 953, facing few rebellions or lack of unity amongst the Unitian people. The gods remained in check, loyal to their High King, and were even able to focus on answering prayers and keeping the world in check due to not having to focus on ruling their own empire any longer. However it couldn't last, for one deity was not happy with their circumstances, even after over 30 years. Flint the Bright, god of chaos, could not stand this new order that had been developed. She had been unable to do anything, as she knew that if she tried to murder Astir, he would simply tell her not to. It was a predicament the Ruby Trickster hadn't faced before, but after 30 years, she had reached a tipping point. After a slight expansion of the flaming sands of Ottersude into the overworld from the portal, Astir had told her to fix it. It was just the two of them late at night in the grand hall in the Valley of the Gods and Flint was fuming, literally. Her hair, normally flowing down her back like a lava waterfall, was rising into the air, flames coming off the ends and smoke rising to the ceiling, her eyes literally burning out of her face. This was something she didn't control, couldn't control, but Astir was having none of it, demanding she send the sands back. After the explanation that the rise of her own power was the only thing that kept the sands at bay, Astir was confused, believing all the gods to be at their peak. However it was not the case, especially for Flint. Flint was the lord of chaos, and so with the new order Astir had brought to his new High Kingdom, Flint was losing power slowly but surely. Astir asked what she would need to gain power and said that only his death would give her that kind of power. Astir sat there for a moment, thinking, and remembering that he had a new-born son, that his line would continue, confirmed "then do what you believe needs to be done". Still full of rage, Flint gave a smirk the size of Gracia at this, charging at Astir almost at the speed of light and embedding her axe Cruíll within his chest, flames from the axe becoming so hot that the area around it begins to melt. As the light in his eyes fades he utters his last words, "do... right", before his last breath is exhaled and his power released.   Immediately upon his death Flint feels her power growing, and herself growing. The power suppressed and now released from Astir immediately builds within her, skin becoming like that of her demons, blood becoming flowing magma in her veins. Her fiery hair becomes shorter and smoky black horns build out of her head, all while her body grows two feet and she gains a large and much more muscular build. Infernal wings rise up from behind her and her clothes break off, revealing a warriors plate covering and skirt combo with spiked pauldrons and boots to match. Finally her face melts off, revealing a black skull with flame orange teeth and red flames for eyes. Meanwhile, at all the commotion, Astir's now widowed wife enters and sees the new Flint, brighter than ever, standing before the corpse of her husband, with a hole burnt into his chest. Unfortunately for her, before she can even react, Flint the Brighter's power reaches it's apex, with a tidal wave of orange, red and blue flames launching from within her and burning it's way through the hall and towards Carrir, she can't even manage a scream before she is turned to nothing but smoke and ash.   As Flint calms down most of the external flames subside and she notices the ashes of Carrir on the ground, but before she can react, the other gods enter, awoken by the sudden change in power. They are horrified at what Flint has become, but more so in what he has done. They notice the dead body of Astir immediately and know what Flint has done, but not why. Jorden prepares to say something but is interrupted by Aeranus who immediately yells out "is power that important to you Flint? We finally have divine purpose and meaning besides the petty prayers of our followers and you destroy that for a small extra amount of power that won't even last? I can't believe you, I can't believe I loved you, Flint. We're do... no I'm done, I'm done with all this, I refuse to be a deity in this world you've just released upon us Flint, brought us a whole new fresh hell because the one that birthed you just wasn't enough. I'm sorry Jorden, Aquarius, but I am not dealing with this anymore, a patron of order like myself can't hope to control such a MONSTER of chaos. I am done." And he then flew off, not to be seen for over 100 years or at least not knowingly. Flint stood there, panting from the expulsion of power that incinerated the body of Carrir that Jorden couldn't take his eyes off. He simply said to Flint "this is both you and not you" and walked off, returning to The Fortress to resume ruling the Kingdom of Gracia in the hopes of stopping it from succumbing to Flint's chaos, but instead spending most of the time sulking in his war room or fighting off invaders from the East of Unity. Aquarius said no words to Flint, showed no sign of approval or disapproval, and simply left her there, surrounded by death and ashes in a new world she had incidently created, one full of her precious chaos, her dream world. Or so she thought.   And so the story of the Catalyst ends. A world unreformed turned one of order and then to one of pure chaos all because of one man, a catalyst, one triggered by the lord of chaos that split apart the world and it's gods, for better or worse is yet to be decided.


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