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Gracian Civil War

The Conflict


After The Catalyst, the world of Unity was left in chaos. Though unlike other realms, Gracia was able to keep their godly ruler Jorden the Immovable around, he still wasn't that present in their politics. These conditions left open some positions for those more malicious than others to achieve. The period between the Catalyst in 953 and before the civil war in 1061 saw a vampiress rise to power in the Barony of Hurstwick, a gnome crime lord usurp power in the Lordship of Daggerfirth and what many humans considered the biggest disgrace, a mutant goblin put in power in County of Sprucehide. On top of this, the Lordship of Elderrim, Duchy of Easterbane, and Barony of Auratia had all lost territory and power due to these new powers on the table. This boiled to a point where an alliance between the three (one royal marriage one military alliance) had formed and considered themselves powerful enough to take the so-called Coalition of Righteousness on, forming the Marches of Holiness to challenge them. However this prompted the power in the North, the Lordship of Birchwood, to join on the side of the Coalition, tipping the scales of power for the looming civil war...

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The end of the war saw the Marches of Holiness victorious, and with their owed land back in their own hands, as well as the deposing of two of the 'unrighteous' rulers and loss of power for the other two.


  • Nations of Unity
    Map of the nations of Unity. While each of them are their own nation, most of them belong to the Unitian Empire.





Protect the territory of Goldenwall. (Also conquer Sprucehide)




Humiliate Easterbane and Elderrim for their blind faith. Hurstwick and Daggerfirth seek to prove they are led by rightful rulers. Sprucehide seeks to protect itself. (Hurstwick also wants to conquer Goldenwall County)




Seek to keep what they already have and otherwise stay out of the civil war.

Cover image: The Gracian Civil War by Heroforge


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