Pyrenity Organization in Hallakarisa | World Anvil
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Religion worshipping Flint the Bright, god of:
  • Fire
  • War
  • Thieves
  • Freedom
  • The Forge
With the holy gem of ruby and the divine realm of Ottersude.


Run by the High Priest.

Divine Origins

Emerged during the year 1 along with the other gods in Unyrdom.

Tenets of Faith

  • Barbarism
  • Blood sport


There are three ranks within the sect of Pyrenity; High Priest, Priest, and Acolyte.   The current and lasting high priest is Gregor Jones, also the right hand man of Flint Wildstar themself.   The current priests include:   Acolytes currently include:

Granted Divine Powers

Acolytes of this faith are often granted control over fire, though it is a rare gift and requires the acolytes full devotion to Flint.

Political Influence & Intrigue

It is the major religion of the Empire of Ottersude, originating from it's homeland. It is also mainly found in the South-Eastern part of Unity, due to the quadrant split created by the four gods of Unyrdom. However it also influences people out of Flint's quadrant such as Latchran the Free (as Flint is the god of freedom) and Dippor the Malicious (as Flint is the god of thieves).
Founding Date
Religious, Sect
Parent Organization
Permeated Organizations


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