Republic of Astravar

The Republic of Astravar is a long-standing nation on Thrail. It's milder weather grants the nation excellent agrarian opportunites and overal stablity to the area.


Astravari are generally ecumenical and easy to get along with. They would describe themselves as altruistic and forward-thinking. As a Republic, they maintain a strong diversity of races and religions within their borders. They tend to insert themselves into conversations that don't involve them just to give their opinions but mostly so they can engage in covnerstaion and rather to assert their will. Social life tends to pick up cultral trends of neighboring countries which leads to some joking Astravari have no culture of their own. An Astravari would disagree though, saying they merely appreicate all facets of life and they are free to choose those they wish to adopt as their own. In fact, Astravari generally value curiosity and this has led many among them to become excellent scholars, wizards, and philosohpers.

Public Agenda

Having recently gained control of the western bank Bristengotan Strait from their part in the Ontalian War, Astravar is deadicated to fostering maritime trade through the strait and protected the shipping line for themselves and other along the coast of the Coricut.


Religion is diverse across Astravar with the state allowing nearly any and all religions to flourish. Sects of Bluetip Aluists are quite popular, but even so, religion is seen as more of a personal choice a less of a communal descion in Astravar.

Agriculture & Industry

The climate and terrian of Astravar makes farming easy and quite profitable. They are able to grow plenty of food for themselves and use the surplus to sell cheap to many ships using the Bristengotan Strait. They are also experts in Abjuration magic and have made a specilty of selling protective weaponry and spells.
Founding Date
980 S.J.
Government System
Democracy, Representative


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